Server MTP3 Exception measurements

Server MTP3 Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
TxM3RLDestUnknown Number of egress messages M3RL discarded because no routing information exists for the RSP/Destination. 5 min
TxM3RLDestUnavail Number of egress messages M3RL discarded because the RSP/Destination was Unavailable. 5 min
TxM3RLDestCong Number of egress messages M3RL discarded because the RSP/Destination's congestion level was higher than the message's priority. 5 min
TxM3RLBufOverflow Number of egress messages M3RL discarded because of an internal buffer overflow. 5 min
RxM3RLInvalidDPC Number of ingress messages M3RL discarded because the DPC was not the True Point Code (TPC) or Capability Point Code (CPC) configured for the MP. 5 min
RxM3RLInvalidSI Number of ingress messages M3RL discarded because the Service Indicator received was not "0" (SNM) or "3" (SCCP). 5 min
RxM3RLInvalidNI Number of ingress messages M3RL discarded because the Network Indicator received was not the same value configured for the MP. 5 min
RxM3RLBufOverflow Number of ingress messages M3RL discarded because of an internal buffer overflow. 5 min
M3RLStackQueueFull Number of messages that were discarded because the M3RL Stack Event Queue was full. 5 min
M3RLNetMgtQueueFull Number of M3RL network management messages (SI=0) that were discarded because the M3RL Network Management Event Queue was full. 5 min