
Measurement Group: Server MTP3 Exception

Measurement Dimension: Single

Measurement Type: Simple

Description: The number of egress messages M3RL discarded because of an internal buffer overflow.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Measurement Scope: NE, Server


  1. This condition should not occur but may be caused by an unusually high setting of the T1, T3, or T6 timers. The default value is 60ms but the user has the ability to set them as high as 2000ms. You can view and modify the current M3RL timer values via the GUI under SS7/Sigtran>Configuration>MTP3 Options.
  2. An internal overflow condition may occur if the IP network is unstable causing M3RL to invoke multiple Changeover/Changeback procedures as links fail and recover. Verify that IP network connectivity exists between the MP server and the adjacent servers.
  3. Check the event history logs for additional SS7 events or alarms from this MP server.
  4. Verify that the adjacent server is not under maintenance.
  5. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance if needed.