Diameter Performance measurements

The Diameter Performance measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the Diameter protocol.

Diameter Performance Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
EvConnPrvSuccess Number of times the connection successfully completed the proving phase. 5 min
EvPerConnPtrQueueAvg The average length of the PTR queue for a connection during the collection interval. 5 min
EvPerConnPtrQueuePeak The maximum length of the PTR queue for a connection during the collection interval 5 min
RoutingMsgs The number of messages processed by DRL , including Rerouting and Message Copy. 5 min
RxAcceptedRequestsMp The number of ingress Diameter Request messages that are accepted by MP to be routed after all Overload Controls are applied. 5 min
RxAllowedMsgsPerConnControlsMp The total number of ingress Diameter messages, over all connections, that were not discarded by MP. 5 min
RxAnswerExpectedAll Number of valid Answer messages received from an upstream peer that were associated with a pending transaction. 5 min
RxAnswerExpectedAllMp Number of valid Answer messages received from an upstream peer that were associated with a pending transaction. 5 min
RxAnswerExpectedRoutedMP Number of valid Answer messages received from an upstream peer that were successfully routed to a downstream peer. 5 min
RxAnswerMsgsMp Number of Answer messages received. 5 min
RxConnAnswerMsgs Number of routable Answer messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnCea Number of CEA messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnCer Number of CER messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnDpa Number of DPA messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnDpr Number of DPR messages received on the connection 5 min
RxConnDwa Number of DWA messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnDwr Number of DWR messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnOtherNonRoutable Number of non-routable messages received on the connection that were not CEx, DWx, or DPx messages. Includes messages where the header P(roxy) bit is not set and messages where the application ID is 0. 5 min
RxConnRequestMsgs Number of routable Request messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnRoutableMsgs Number of routable messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxMaxMpsAcceptedMp The number of ingress Diameter messages received that are accepted by Maximum IMR Controls of MP. 5 min
RxMaxMpsAcceptedRequestsMp The number of ingress Diameter Request messages that are accepted by MP to be routed after Maximum IMR Controls are applied by MP. 5 min
RxMsgSize Ingress message size statistics. 5 min
RxMsgSizeAvg Average ingress message size in Diameter payload octets. 5 min
RxMsgSizePeak Peak ingress message size in Diameter payload octets. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri0Mp The number of ingress Priority 0 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri0Mp The number of Green ingress Priority 0 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri0Mp The number of Yellow ingress Priority 0 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri1Mp The number of ingress Priority 1 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri1Mp The number of Green ingress Priority 1 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri1Mp The number of Yellow ingress Priority 1 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri2Mp The number of ingress Priority 2 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri2Mp The number of Green ingress Priority 2 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri2Mp The number of Yellow ingress Priority 2 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri3Mp The number of ingress Priority 3 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri0RatePeakMp The peak rate of ingress Priority 0 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri0RatePeakMp The peak rate of Green ingress Priority 0 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri0RatePeakMp The peak rate of Yellow ingress Priority 0 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri1RatePeakMp The peak rate of ingress Priority 1 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri1RatePeakMp The peak rate of Green ingress Priority 1 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri1RatePeakMp The peak rate of Yellow ingress Priority 1 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri2RatePeakMp The peak rate of ingress Priority 2 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri2RatePeakMp The peak rate of Green ingress Priority 2 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri2RatePeakMp The peak rate of Yellow ingress Priority 2 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCPri3RatePeakMp The peak rate of ingress Priority 3 messages arriving at the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxOfferedMsgsMp Total number of ingress Diameter messages, over all connections, offered to this MP. This includes both routable and non-routable messages. 5 min
RxRequestMsgsMp Number of Request messages received. 5 min
RxRequestNoErrors Transactions successfully processed on one routing attempt. 5 min
RxRequestNoErrorsMp Number of transactions successfully processed on one routing attempt. 5 min
RxRoutableAcceptedMsgsMpmn The number of ingress Diameter messages received that are accepted by MP for processing after all overload controls are applied. 5 min
RxRoutableMsgsMp Number of routable messages received. 5 min
TmConnAvail Total time in seconds that the connection state was AVAILABLE during the measurement period. 5 min
TmConnPrvRspAvg Average time (in microseconds) between sending a DWR and receiving a DWA during any proving phase(s) for the measurement period. If proving fails, no sample is recorded. 5 min
TmResponseTimeDownstream Average downstream transaction response time. 5 min
TmResponseTimeDownstreamMp Average time (in milliseconds) from when routing receives a Request message from a downstream peer to the time that an Answer response is sent to that downstream peer. 5 min
TmResponseTimeUpstream Average upstream transaction response time. 5 min
TxAnswerMsgsMp Number of routable Answer messages transmitted. 5 min
TxConnAnswerMsgs Number of routable Answer messages successfully sent on the connection. 5 min
TxConnCea Number of CEA messages sent on the connection. 5 min
TxConnCer Number of CER messages received on the connection. 5 min
TxConnDpa Number of DPA messages sent on the connection. 5 min
TxConnDpr Number of DPR messages sent on the connection. 5 min
TxConnDwa Number of DWA messages sent on the connection. 5 min
TxConnDwr Number of DWR messages received on the connection. 5 min
TxConnRequestMsgs Number of routable Request messages successfully sent on the connection. 5 min
TxMsgSize Average egress message size in Diameter payload octets. 5 min
TxMsgSizeAvg Average egress message size in Diameter payload octets. 5 min
TxMsgSizePeak Peak egress message size in Diameter payload octets. 5 min
TxRequestMsgsMp Number of routable Request messages transmitted. 5 min
TxRequestSuccessAllMp Number of Request messages successfully routed to a peer. 5 min.