
Measurement Group: Diameter Performance

Measurement Type: Simple

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by Diameter Connection ID)

Description: The number of times the connection successfully completed the proving phase.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: Pegged when a proving period is successfully completed.

Measurement Scope: Server Group


  1. If the proving mode in the Connection Configuration Set is set to On Error, and this measurement indicates an excessive number of proving periods being performed, examine measurements TxConnDpr, RxConnDpa, RxConnDpr, and TxConnDpa.
  2. Also examine the Alarm History for Events 22303 - Connection Unavailable: Peer closed connection, 22319 - Connection Unavailable: Diameter Watchdog, and 22345 - Connection Priority Level changed. Refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about these events.

    The presence of these measurements/events may indicate that the peer is not responding to DWRs or not handling the DPx exchange on disconnect properly, after which the DSR will require a proving period.

  3. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance if needed.