Diameter Signaling Router (DSR) Application Exception measurements

The "DSR Application Exception" measurement group is a set of measurements that provide information about exceptions and unexpected messages and events that are specific to the DSR protocol.

DSR Application Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxApplRequestNoRoutes Number of Request messages received from a DSR Application that could not be routed. 5 min
RxApplUnavailable Number of Request messages received for a DSR Application that could not be routed to the DSR Application because it was Unavailable. 5 min
RxApplUnavailableForRequest Number of Request messages received for a DSR Application which could not be routed to DSR Application because it was not available. 5 min
RxApplUnavailableForAnswer Number of Answer messages received for a DSR Application which could not be routed to DSR Application because it was not available. 5 min
TxCpaFullDRLAnswerReject The number of egress Diameter Answer messages that were discarded because the DRL’s Answer Queue was full. 5 min
TxCpaFullDRLRequestReject The number of egress Diameter Request messages that were rejected because the DRL’s Request Queue was full. 5 min
TxFabrFullDRLRequestReject The average Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
TxFabrFullDRLAnswerDiscard The number of egress Diameter Answer messages that were discarded because the DRL’s Answer Queue was full. 5 min
TxRbarFullDRLRequestReject Egress Request Messages Rejected - DRL Request Queue Full. 5 min
TxRbarFullDRLAnswerDiscard Egress Answer Messages Discarded - DRL Answer Queue Full. 5 min
TxGlaFullDRLAnswerDiscard The number of egress Diameter Answer messages that were discarded because the DRL's Answer Queue was full. 5 min