
Measurement Group: DSR Application Exception

Measurement Type: Simple

Description: Number of Request messages received for a DSR Application that could not be routed to the DSR Application because the DSR Application was Unavailable.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: When DRL receives a Request message from a peer that matches an Application Routing Rule, but cannot be routed to the DSR Application because its Operational Status is "Unavailable".

Measurement Scope: Server Group


The DSR Application Operational Status is "Unavailable" when one of the following conditions occurs:
  • The operator has removed the DSR Application from service (Admin State is "Disabled".)
  • The DSR Application was congested when an attempt to route a Request message to the SR Application occurred.

When a DSR Application is "Unavailable", the message will be handled as defined by the "unavailability Action" attribute for the DSR Application (see the GUI screen for the DSR Application).

  1. Verify the DSR Application Admin State on the following GUI screen:


  2. Verify the DSR Application "Unavailability Action" attribute configuration on the following GUI screen..

    Diameter>Configuration>Application Ids