OC-DRA Diameter Exception measurements

The OC-DRA Diameter Exception measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the OC-DRA Diameter protocol.

OC-DRA Diameter Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxPcaTransactionsRejected Number of transactions rejected by Policy and Charging DSR Application. 5 min
RxGyRoReqFailedToRelayPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Request messages OC-DRA failed to relay. 5 min
RxGyRoAnsNon2xxxFromPeerPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Request messages successfully relayed by OC-DRA that received an Answer from the peer with a non-2xxx (Non-successful) Result-Code value. 5 min
RxGyRoAnsDiscardedDrlQueueFullPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Answer messages discarded by OC-DRA due to DRL's Answer queue being full. 5 min
TxGyRoAnsGenByDrlPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Answer messages received by OC-DRA that were generated by DRL. 5 min
TxGyRoAnsGenByOcdraPerCmd Number of Diameter Answer messages generated by OC-DRA after encountering a failure and abandoning processing of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Request messages. 5 min
TxGyRoAnsGenPerErrCode Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Request messages that OC-DRA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
TxGyRoCcrInitAnsGenPerErrCode Number of Gy/Ro Credit-Control-Request messages with the CC-Request-Type AVP set to INITIAL_REQUEST (CCR-I) that OC-DRA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
TxGyRoCcrUpdateAnsGenPerErrCode Number of Gy/Ro Credit-Control-Request messages with the CC-Request-Type AVP set to UPDATE_REQUEST (CCR-U) that OC-DRA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
TxGyRoCcrTermAnsGenPerErrCode Number of Gy/Ro Credit-Control-Request messages with the CC-Request-Type AVP set to TERMINATION_REQUEST (CCR-T) that OC-DRA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
TxGyRoCcrEventAnsGenPerErrCode Number of Gy/Ro Credit-Control-Request messages with the CC-Request-Type AVP set to EVENT_REQUEST (CCR-E) that OC-DRA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
TxGyRoRarAnsGenPerErrCode Number of Gy/Ro Re-Auth-Request (RAA) messages that OC-DRA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
TxGyRoUnkCmdAnsGenPerErrCode Number of unsupported Diameter Request messages that OC-DRA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
TxPcaAnsGenPerErrCode Number of Diameter Request messages that PCA abandoned processing due to a failure and generated an Answer response. 5 min
RxPcaAnsRelayedUnsupportedAppId Number of Diameter Answer messages relayed by PCA containing an Auth-Application-Id AVP value that is not supported. 5 min
RxOcdraReqNoCcRequestType Number of Gy/Ro Credit-Control-Request messages received by OC-DRA that did not contain the CC-Request-Type AVP. 5 min
RxOcdraUnsupportedCcRequestType Number of Gy/Ro Credit-Control-Request/Answer messages received by OC-DRA that contained an unsupported CC-Request-Type AVP value. 5 min
RxOcdraStackEventDiscardedCaFailure Number of stack events discarded by ComAgent due to ComAgent failures. 5 min
RxOcdraStackEventDiscardedUnsupported Number of SBR Stack Events discarded by OC-DRA that contained an unsupported Event Type value. 5 min
RxGyRoCcrInitNoMsisdn Number of Gy/Ro CCR-I messages that OC-DRA failed to extract the MSISDN from the Subscription-Id Grouped AVP or the User-Name AVP. 5 min
RxGyRoCcrInitNoDestHostMultOcsPoolsMode Number of Gy/Ro CCR-I messages received without a Destination-Host when OC-DRA is operating in Multiple OCS Pools mode. 5 min
RxGyRoCcrEventNoDestHostMultOcsPoolsMode Number of Gy/Ro CCR-E messages received without a Destination-Host when OC-DRA is operating in Multiple OCS Pools mode. 5 min
RxGyRoInSessionReqNoDestHost Number of in-session Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Request messages received by OC-DRA without a Destination-Host. 5 min
RxOcdraSessionUnkToPeer Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Answer messages received by OC-DRA from the peer with a Result-Code value 5002 (DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID). 5 min
RxOcdraAnsweringOcsNotConfigured Number of answering OCS servers not configured locally. 5 min