
Measurement Group: OC-DRA Diameter Exception

Measurement Type: Simple

Measurement Dimension: Single

Description: The number of stack events discarded by ComAgent due to ComAgent failures.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: Each time OC-DRA sends a stack event and it is discarded due to a ComAgent failure as indicated by the returned ComAgent Error Response Stack error code

Measurement Scope: All


  1. This measurement represents an exception condition in which ComAgent Error Response Stack events are being received indicating that ComAgent has experienced communication failure when OC-DRA sends Policy and Charging SBR Request stack events to the Session SBR. Each Policy and Charging SBR Request stack event is discarded.
  2. This condition also causes Event 22704 Communication Agent Error to be generated indicating the error code of the received ComAgent Error Response Stack event. Refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about Event 22700.
  3. The following ComAgent measurements should be inspected within the same collection interval to further determine the specific reason for the stack event being discarded:

    Refer to the Recovery steps for any/all of these measurements that were pegged in the same collection interval.

  4. Check Alarm 19832 ComAgent Reliable Transaction Failed in the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference, as well as measurements CAHSTxDscrdCongSR, CAHSTxDscrdUnkwnRsrc, CAHSTxDscrdIntErrSR for detailed error causes.