P-DRA Diameter Exception measurements

The P-DRA Diameter Exception measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the P-DRA Diameter protocol.

P-DRA Diameter Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxBindCapPcrfPoolNotMapped Number of binding capable session initiation requests that were destined for a PCRF Pool or Sub-Pool for which no PRT table was configured 5 min
RxBindCapUnknownApn Number of binding capable session initiation requests containing an unconfigured APN 5 min
RxBindCapMissingApn Number of binding capable session initiation requests containing no APN 5 min
RxBindDepUnknownApn Number of attempts to correlate a binding dependent session initiation request using a non-specific binding correlation key (i.e. IMSI or MSISDN), but containing an unconfigured APN 5 min
RxBindDepMissingApn Number of attempts to correlate a binding dependent session initiation request using a non-specific binding correlation key (i.e. IMSI or MSISDN), but containing no APN 5 min
RxBindCapUnknownPcrf Number of binding capable session initiation answers coming from an unconfigured PCRF 5 min
RxPdraRequestProtocolErr Number of invalid Request messages received from DRL. Invalid request message includes - unsupported command codes, unsupported application Id, missing or invalid AVPs. 5 min
RxStackEventDiscardedCaFailure Number of stack events discarded by ComAgent due to ComAgent failures 5 min
TxAaxMsgDiscardedDueToDrlQueueFull Number of AAR/AAA messages discarded by P-DRA due to DRL queue being full. 5 min
TxAsxMsgDiscardedDueToDrlQueueFull Number of ASR messages discarded by P-DRA due to DRL queue being full. 5 min
TxCcxMsgDiscardedDueToDrlQueueFull Number of CCR/CCA messages discarded by P-DRA due to DRL queue being full. 5 min
TxPdraAnswersGeneratedForDiameterErr Number of Diameter answers generated by P-DRA due to error in received Diameter messages from DRL. 5 min
TxPdraAnswersGeneratedForPsrbErrResp Number of Diameter Answer messages generated by P-DRA because of pSBR stack event error response. 5 min
TxPdraAnswersGeneratedConfigErr Number of Diameter Answers generated by P-DRA due to configuration errors when processing session initiation requests. 5 min
TxPdraErrAnsGeneratedCAFailure Number of Diameter answers generated by P-DRA due to ComAgent failure. 5 min
TxGxpCcxMsgDiscardedDrlQueueFull Number of Gx-Prime CCR/CCA messages discarded by P-DRA due to the DRL queue being full. 5 min
TxRaxMsgDiscardedDueToDrlQueueFull Number of RAR/RAA messages discarded by P-DRA due to DRL queue being full. 5 min
TxStxMsgDiscardedDueToDrlQueueFull Number of STR/STA messages discarded by P-DRA due to DRL queue being full. 5 min