P-DRA Diameter Usage measurements

The P-DRA Diameter Usage measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the P-DRA Diameter protocol.

P-DRA Diameter Usage Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
PdraGxTopoHidingApplied Number of messages received on Gx interface on which topology hiding has been applied by P-DRA. 5 min
PdraGxpTopoHidingApplied Number of Gx-Prime CC Request messages on which topology hiding is applied. 5 min
PdraRxTopoHidingApplied Number of messages received on Rx interface on which topology hiding has been applied by P-DRA. 5 min
RxBindCapApn2PcrfPool Number of times a given APN is successfully mapped to a PCRF Pool 5 min
RxBindCap2PcrfSubPool Number of binding capable session initiation requests that were mapped to a PCRF Sub-Pool by a given PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule 5 min
RxBindCapPcrfPool2Prt Number of binding capable session initiation requests that are routed using a PRT table chosen as a result of PCRF Pool or PCRF Sub-Pool mapping to the PRT. 5 min
RxCcrInitNoImsiMsgs Number of CCR Initial messages received without IMSI. 5 min
RxPdra5002FromPcrf Number of 5002 DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID responses received from a PCRF 5 min
RxPdra5002FromPolicyClient Number of 5002 DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID responses received from a policy client. 5 min
RxPdraAarMsgs Number of AAR messages received by PDRA. 5 min
RxPdraAsrMsgs Number of ASR messages received by PDRA. 5 min
RxPdraCcrInitMsgs Number of CCR Initial messages received by PDRA per interface. 5 min
RxPdraCcrTerminateMsgs Number of CCR Termination messages received by PDRA. 5 min
RxPdraCcrUpdateMsgs Number of CCR Update messages received by PDRA. 5 min
GxpBindingSuccess Number of Gx-Prime CCR Initial messages processed by PDRA against binding key priorities 5 min
RxPdraGxpCcrInitMsgs Number of Gx-Prime CCR Initial messages processed by PDRA 5 min
RxPdraGxpCcrUpdateMsgs Number of Gx-Prime CCR Update messages received by PDRA 5 min
RxPdraGxpCcrTerminateMsgs Number of Gx-Prime CCR Termination messages received by PDRA 5 min
RxPdraMsgRateAvg Average Diameter ingress message processing rate of P-DRA during the collection interval. 5 min
RxPdraMsgRatePeak Peak Diameter ingress message processing rate of P-DRA during the collection interval. 5 min
RxPdraRarGxMsgs Number of RAR messages received by PDRA for Gx interface. 5 min
RxPdraRarRxMsgs Number of RAR messages received by PDRA for Rx interface. 5 min
RxPdraStrMsgs Number of STR messages received by PDRA. 5 min
TxPdraGxRarQuery Number of Gx RAR requests initiated by P-DRA for the purposes of querying for session existence at the policy client. 5 min
TxPdraGxRarRelease Number of Gx RAR requests initiated by P-DRA for the purposes of releasing a session as a result of an error in the P-DRA. 5 min