Server TCAP Exception measurements

Server TCAP Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
TCAPComponentTblFull Operations discarded due to full QueuedComponent array. 30 min
TCAPRejTcuErr Operations rejected by TCAP due to TC User error (L-Reject Ind). 30 min
TCAPRejPeerErr Operations rejected by TCAP due to remote TCAP peer error (not counting timeouts – L-Reject Ind). 30 min
TCAPRejTcu Operations rejected by TC User (U-Reject Req). 30 min
TCAPRejPeer Operations rejected by peer (R-Reject Ind + U-Reject Ind). 30 min
TCAPRetErrTcu Operations that caused return error response to peer (U-Error Req). 30 min
TCAPRetErrPeer Operations that received return error response from peer (U-Error Ind). 30 min
TCAPOpTimeout Operations that timed out (invocation timer expiry – egress only L-Cancel Ind). 30 min
TCAPOpCancelTcu Operations cancelled by TC User (U-Cancel Req). 30 min
TCAPStackQueueFull Stack event discarded due to TCAP task queue full. 30 min
TCAPDialogueTblFull Dialogue discarded due to TcapDialogue table full. 30 min
TCAPAbrtTcuErr Dialogues aborted by TCAP due to TC User error (not counting timeouts – P-Abort Ind). 30 min
TCAPAbrtPeerErr Dialogues aborted by TCAP due to remote TCAP peer error (P-Abort Ind). 30 min
TCAPAbrtTcu Dialogues aborted by TC User (U-Abort Req). 30 min
TCAPAbrtPeer Dialogues aborted by peer (U-Abort Ind). 30 min
TCAPDialogueTimeout Dialogues that timed out (dialogue cleanup timer expiry). 30 min
TCAPComponentQueueFull Operations discarded due to full QueuedComponent array. 30 min
Ss7DeserializationFail Number of MAP response message of which deserialization failed. 30 min