
Measurement Group: Server TCAP Exception

Measurement Dimension: Single

Measurement Type: Simple

Description: The number of egress operations that timed out waiting for a response from the remote TCAP peer during the reporting interval.

Collection Interval: 30 min

Measurement Scope: Network, NE, Server


  1. If this measurement has a non-zero value, look for Event 19268 - Operation removed by invocation time expiry in the GUI Alarm History during the time period covered by the measurement reporting interval.
  2. This error may be caused by failure to route the message by one of the underlying layers (e.g., SCCP). Refer to the DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference for details about Event 19268 for information about how to proceed.
  3. Please contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for further assistance in determining the exact cause of the failure.