
Measurement Group: Diameter Exception

Measurement Type: Simple

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by Connection ID)

Description: The number of times the connection was closed due to CEA Realm/Host validation for locally initiated connections.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: Pegged when a CEA message is received on the connection that has an Origin-Host AVP value that does not match the FQDN configured for the peer, or an Origin-Realm AVP value that does not match the realm configured for the peer.

Measurement Scope: Server Group


  1. Examine the Origin-Host and Origin-Realm AVP values in the CEA sent by the peer.
  2. Either change the FQDN/Realm configured for the peer to match this value, or change the peer so that it sends Origin-Host/Origin-Realm AVP values that match the peer FQDN/Realm configuration.
  3. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance if needed.