Diameter Exception measurements

The Diameter Exception measurement report contains measurements that provide information about exceptions and unexpected messages and events that are specific to the Diameter protocol.

Diameter Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
EvApplIdListInconsistency Number of times that the supported Application IDs received from the Peer were Inconsistent with another Transport Connection 5 min
EvConnCeaIdValFail Number of times the connection was closed due to CEA Realm/Host validation for locally initiated connections.
Note: CER Realm/Host validation failures are tracked via the EvConnCerIdValFail measurement and are NOT included in this measurement.
5 min
EvConnCexTO Number of times the connection timed out waiting for the peer to send a CER or CEA. 5 min
EvConnDpaTO Number of times the connection timed out waiting for the peer to send a DPA. 5 min
EvConnNoComnApps Number of times the connection was closed due to there being no common application IDs existing between the local and peer nodes. 5 min
EvConnPrvFail Number of times the connection was closed after failing to successfully complete the proving phase. 5 min
EvConnRejected Number of times the connection was rejected. Reasons include IP addresss validation failure, the connection already established, and connection Administratively Disabled. 5 min
EvConnRejInsufficientIngressMps Number of times DA-MP rejected a Diameter connection due to insufficient Ingress MPS on the DA-MP to support the Reserved Ingress MPS configured for the connection. 5 min
EvConnRejMaxConnExceeded Number of times DA-MP rejected a Diameter connection due to the DA-MP exceeding its maximum number of supported Diameter connections. 5 min
EvConnWdFail Number of times the Diameter Watchdog algorithm closed the connection due to no traffic received from the peer within Tw*2 time after a DWR was sent. 5 min
EvConnWdSuspect Number of times the Diameter Watchdog algorithm declared the connection suspect due to no traffic received from the peer within Tw time after a DWR was sent. 5 min
EvMpCerIdValFail Number of times the connection was closed due to CER Realm/Host validation for peer initiated connections. 5 min
EvTransLifetimeExceededMp Number of transaction failures because “Transaction Lifetime” exceeded. 5 min
RxAnswerMsgQueueFullDiscard Number of ingress Diameter Answer messages that were discarded because the Answer Message Queue was full. 5 min
RxAnswerUnexpected Number of valid Answer messages received from an upstream peer that could not be associated with a pending transaction 5 min
RxConnCeaError Number of CEA error messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnFailMalfMsg Number of messages received on the connection which were malformed. Malformed messages cause the connection to be closed. 5 min
RxConnInvalidMsg Number of messages received on the connection which had a semantic error. Messages with semantic errors are discarded. 5 min
RxConnMpCongestionAnswerRsp Number of ingress messages that were rejected with an error response because of local congestion. 5 min
RxConnUnexpCex Number of unexpected CER/CEA messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnUnexpDpx Number of unexpected DPR/DPA messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxConnUnexpDwx Number of unexpected DWR/DWA messages received on the connection. 5 min
RxMaxMpsAnswerRsp The number of ingress Diameter messages that were discarded because of the MP Maximum MPS limitation and an Answer response was sent. 5 min
RxMaxMpsRejectMp The number of ingress Diameter messages that were rejected because of MP Maximum MPS limitation and an Answer response was sent. 5 min
RxMpCongestionDiscardMp The number of ingress Diameter Request messages received that were discarded or rejected because of local MP congestion. 5 min
RxMpCongestionRejectMp The number of ingress Diameter messages that were discarded because of Local MP Congestion and an Answer response was sent. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri0DiscardMp The number of Green ingress Priority 0 messages discarded by the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri0DiscardMp The number of Yellow ingress Priority 0 messages discarded by the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri1DiscardMp The number of Green ingress Priority 1 messages discarded by the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri1DiscardMp The number of Yellow ingress Priority 1 messages discarded by the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCGreenPri2DiscardMp The number of Green ingress Priority 2 messages discarded by the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxMsgsOCYellowPri2DiscardMp The number of Yellow ingress Priority 2 messages discarded by the DA-MP Overload Control component. 5 min
RxPduPoolEmptyDiscard The number of Diameter messages that were discarded because no PDU Buffers were available. 5 min
RxRoutableRejectMsgsMp The number of ingress Diameter Request messages received that are rejected by MP with Error Answer due to MP Overload Control or Maximum IMR Limitation. 5 min
TmConnDegraded Total time (in seconds) during the reporting period that the connection state was in the Degraded state. 5 min
TmConnEnabledNotAvail Total time (in seconds) during the reporting period that the connection state was Administratively Enabled and the connection state was not Available. 5 min
TxAllConnQueueFullAnswerDiscard The number of egress Diameter Answer messages that were discarded because the All-Connections Event Queue was full and an Answer response was sent. 5 min
TxAllConnQueueFullDiscard Number of egress Diameter messages that were discarded because the All-Connections Event Queue was full. 5 min
TxConnCeaError Number of CEA error messages sent on the connection. 5 min
TxConnUnavailDiscard Number of egress Diameter messages that were discarded by DCL because the egress connection was Unavailable. 5 min
TxReqMsgApplMismatch Number of times message routing detected application mismatch 5 min
TxReqMsgPerConnPtrMax Number of times message routing bypassed the connection because the maximum allowed pending transactions was exceeded 5 min
TxRequestEgressLoop Outgoing message loops detected 5 min