
Measurement Group: Diameter Exception

Measurement Type: Simple

Measurement Dimension: Arrayed (by Connection ID)

Description: Total time (in seconds) during the reporting period that the connection state was in the Degraded state.

Collection Interval: 5 min

Peg Condition: Pegging started when a peer enters the Degraded state. Pegging stopped when the peer enters the Available or Unavailable state.

A peer may be degraded for short periods of time (< 30 seconds) due to being in a proving period or during a graceful disconnect; degraded conditions lasting longer periods of time are most likely due to local congestion.

Measurement Scope: Server Group


  1. If this measurement indicates an excessive amount of time spent in the degraded state, examine the Alarm History to determine the cause of the degraded condition.
  2. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for assistance if needed.