Historical alarms and events elements

This table describes the elements on the View History alarms and events page.

Historical Alarms Elements
Historical Alarms Element Description
Sequence # A system-wide unique number assigned to each alarm/event.
Event ID A unique number assigned to each alarm/event in the system.
Event Text Description of the alarm/event. The description is truncated to 140 characters. If the description is truncated, a link to the alarm report will be appended.
Timestamp Date and time the alarm/event occurred (fractional seconds resolution).
Severity Alarm/event severity - Critical, Major, Minor and Info.
Additional Info Any additional information about the alarm/event that might help fix the root cause of the alarm/event. Additional Information is truncated to 140 characters.
Note: Additional Info field is not truncated in exports or reports.
Product Name of the product or application that generated the alarm/event.
Process Name of the process that generated the alarm/event.
NE Name of the Network Element where the alarm/event occurred.
Server Name of the server where the alarm/event occurred.
Type Alarm or Event Type, e.g. Process, Disk, Platform. See Alarm and event types for more information.
Instance Instance of the alarm/event, e.g. Link01 or Disk02. The Instance provides additional information to help differentiate two or more alarms/events with the same number. This field may be blank if differentiation is not necessary.