Adding a group

Use this procedure to add a new group:

  1. Select Administration > Group.

    The Group Administration page appears.

  2. Click New.

    The Add Group page appears.

  3. Enter a unique name in the Group field for the new group, and optionally, in the Description field, enter text to describe the group.
  4. To allow Insert, Edit, or Delete actions on all pages accessed from the GUI menu (except User and Group), check mark to select the desired global actions.
  5. Check mark the remaining menu permissions to which you want this group to have access.

    Note: To quickly select all permissions, click Check All. Check All automatically selects all of the permissions in the section. Clear All automatically clears all permissions. For more information on the options displayed on the Group page, see OAM Groups Administration permissions.

  6. Perform one of the following actions:

    • Click Apply.

      A confirmation message appears at the top of the Add Group page to inform you that the new group has been added to the database. To close the Create User Group page, click Cancel.

    • Click OK.

      The Group Administration page re-appears with the new group displayed.

      Note: The Group Members pane at the bottom of the page displays the entry None for a new group. If you would like to add users to the new group now, double-click None to launch the Add User page. See Adding a new user for more information.

The new group is added to the database.