Adding a new user

Note: Prior to performing this procedure, you should know to which user groups this user should be assigned. The group assignment determines the functions that a user has access to. If you need to create a new group for this user, you should do so prior to adding the user (see Adding a group).

Use this procedure to add a new user who will be allowed to log in to the user interface and access all or some of its functions:

  1. Select Administration > Users.

    The Users administration page appears.

  2. Click Insert.

    The Insert User Page appears.

  3. Enter a Username that consists of 5-16 characters.

    For more information about Username, or any field on this page, see Insert New User elements.

  4. Select a Group or Groups for the user.
  5. Select the Authentication Options to be used with this account.
  6. Select whether the account is enabled using the Access Allowed checkbox.
  7. Enter the Maximum Concurrent Logins.

    Note: Maximum Concurrent Logins cannot be enabled for users in the admin group.

  8. Enter the Session Inactivity Limit.
  9. Enter text about this user in the Comment field.

    This field is required.

  10. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Apply.

      A confirmation message appears at the top of the Insert Users page to inform you that the new user has been added to the database. To close the Insert Users page, click Cancel.

    • Click OK.

      The Users administration page re-appears with the new user displayed.

The new user is added to the database.