Policy Clients elements

Table 1 describes the elements on the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > Policy Clients page. Data Input Notes apply to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Policy Clients elements
Elements Description Data Input Notes
Policy Client Peer Node Name The name of a configured Diameter Peer Node that identifies a Policy Client Peer Node.

Selecting a Policy Client Peer Node name (blue hyperlink) displays the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes (Filtered) page where Diameter Peer Nodes are filtered by the Policy Client Peer Node Name.

Format: Pulldown list

Note: The Policy Client Peer Node Name cannot be changed on the [Edit] page.

Range: Configured Diameter Peer Nodes

Topology Hiding Enabled A read-only check box with default 'checked' to indicate the Topology Hiding for the policy client peer node being enabled. It is the only option currently supported.

Format: Check box

Range: N/A (Read Only)

Comments An optional comment that describes the Policy Client Peer Node.

Format: Text box

Range 0-64 characters