Editing Error Codes

Use this task to edit Error Codes on the Active SOAM.

The fields are described in Error Codes elements.

  1. Select Policy and Charging > Configuration > Error Codes.

    The Policy and Charging > Configuration > Error Codes page appears

  2. Select the Error Condition that you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit.

    The Policy and Charging > Configuration > Error Codes [Edit] page opens

    The fields that appear on the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Error Codes [Edit] page are dependent on the Error Condition that was selected.

  4. Edit the fields to define the selected Error Condition.
  5. Click:
    • Ok to save the changes and return to the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Error Codes page
    • Apply to save the changes and remain on this page
    • Cancel to discard the changes and return to the Policy Charging > Configuration > Error Codes page

    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • Any required field value is missing (not entered or selected)
    • Any fields contain invalid input (for example, the wrong type of data was entered or a value is out of range).