Deleting PCRF Pools

Use this task to delete a PCRF Pool.

A PCRF Pool can be deleted only if no APN is mapped to that PCRF Pool. A PCRF Sub-Pool can be deleted only if no PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rule refers to that PCRF Sub-Pool.

If a PCRF Pool or Sub-Pool is successfully deleted from the NOAMP GUI, the entry is internally marked as retired. Retired entries are not displayed on the GUI, but they cannot be removed from the internal tables because that PCRF Pool or Sub-Pool might still be referenced by any of number of bindings. If you add a new PCRF Pool or Sub-Pool with the same name as one that has been retired, the record is reactivated.

When a PCRF Pool or Sub-Pool is deleted (retired), the entry no longer appears on the PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping pages at any of the sites.

  1. On the Active NOAM, select Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pools.

    The Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pools page appears.

  2. Select the PCRF Pool Name or PCRF Sub-Pool Name to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete.

    A window appears to confirm the delete.

  4. Click:
    • OK to delete the PCRF Pool or PCRF Sub-Pool.
    • Cancel to cancel the delete function and return to the Policy and Charging > Configuration > Policy DRA > PCRF Pools page.

    If OK is clicked and the selected PCRF Pool or Sub-Pool no longer exists (it was deleted by another user), an error message is displayed, and the PCRF Pools page is refreshed. The row that was selected is no longer displayed in the list.