Assessments can be used to create Personalized Content when deployed in the Professional edition of the Knowledge Center.


To enable Personalized Content, an assessment must be designated as a pre-assessment or post-assessment associated with a parent document in the outline, or linked directly to an outline as an inline assessment. Personalized Content is based on associating the questions in an assessment with a document in the outline using the question's Associated Content property.


When deploying content in a Knowledge Path, you can specify which assessment to use as a pre-assessment and post-assessment. Pre-assessments and post-assessments have their own features and options that you can set in the Knowledge Center Manager.


In order to designate a pre-assessment and/or post-assessment, the assessments must be associated to the parent level document in the outline using the Assessments property for the parent. After the parent document is added as an activity in a Knowledge Path, you choose which of the associated assessments are to be used as a pre-assessment and a post-assessment.


While inline assessments appear in the table of contents for the deployed outline, pre-assessments and post-assessments do not. Instead, they appear as nodes (headings) before the Subject Activity (for pre-assessments) and after the Subject Activity (for post-assessments) in the Knowledge Path.


Note: You can add a concept to an assessment to provide additional instructions for the assessment or explain how it is used. You add a concept to an assessment in the Outline Editor by selecting the assessment in the outline and using the Concept pane to create or link a web page, package item, or URL. The concept appears in the Concept pane on the assessment's Start page in a Knowledge Path or in the Player, and is included in the Training Guide and Instructor Manual document formats if you choose to publish with assessments. To add a concept to an associated assessment, you can temporarily link the assessment to a module or section so that it appears as an inline assessment in the Outline Editor, add the concept, and then unlink the assessment.


See Design the Assessment in the Understand Personalized Content section in the Questions and Assessments in Player Content section in this chapter.

ProcedureTo associate an assessment:

  1. Create an assessment in the Library.
    The assessment opens in the Assessment Editor.
  2. In the Assessments category of the Properties toolpane, set the desired properties for the assessment.
    Note: The Developer settings for Answer order, Passing score %, Question order, Remediation, Show Associated Content, and Summary properties can be overridden when setting up the pre-assessment and post-assessment in the Professional edition of the Knowledge Center.
  3. Add questions to the assessment.
  4. Open each question from the assessment or select the question in the Library. In the Question category of the Properties toolpane, set the Associated Content property to a document in the outline linked directly or indirectly to the assessment's parent.
    Note: You can also use the Assessment Coverage View to add questions to an assessment and set the Associated Content property.
  5. Save the assessment.
  6. In the Outline Editor or Library, select the parent module or section.
  7. Display the Properties toolpane.
  8. In the General category, click in the Assessments cell and click Browse.
  9. From the Associated Assessments for Knowledge Center dialog box, click Add associated assessment Add associated assessment, navigate to the folder, select one or more assessments to be associated, and click Open.
  10. Click OK to close the Associated Assessments for Knowledge Center dialog box.

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