Moving Volumes

Sometimes you might want to move a logical volume from one Storage Domain to another Storage Domain to improve the performance of that volume.

For example, if a Storage Domain is being used to support an Oracle DB application, you might want to move the database indexes into a higher‑performance Storage Domain that is separate from the Storage Domain in which the database tables are located.

When you move a volume to a different Storage Domain, the system prompts you to select another Storage Domain for the volume. If sufficient free capacity exists to migrate the data to the other domain, the move request succeeds; otherwise, the system returns an error. The system successfully moves the volume when the following conditions are met:
  • Sufficient free storage capacity exists in the target Storage Domain.

  • For QoS Plus volumes, the target Storage Domain contains lower Storage Classes.

When the system migrates a volume with a populated clone repository to another Storage Domain, the system does not migrate the repository to the other Storage Domain. Instead, the clones remain in the original Storage Domain.

If the clone repository is empty, the system creates a repository in the other Storage Domain after the migration is complete.