Move a Volume to Another Storage Domain

Move a logical volume to another Storage Domain, for example, when you want to remove the drive group on which the volume resides. You also might want to move a volume to a Storage Domain that is dedicated for a specific purpose, such as storing database indexes.

A target Storage Domain with sufficient free capacity to accept the logical volume. The target Storage Domain can contain the same or different Storage Class.

Note: Moving logical volumes and removing the drive groups from the Storage Domain are performed as separate actions.
  1. Navigate to SAN > Storage > LUNs.
  2. Select the LUN that you want to move.
  3. Select Actions > Modify.
  4. In the Storage Domain list, select the Storage Domain to which you want to move the LUN.
  5. (Optional) Select a Storage Class from the available list for the target Storage Domain.
  6. Click OK.
    Result:One of the following occurs:
    • If the operation is successful, the system begins a background task to migrate the volume to the new Storage Domain. Also, the system releases and reconditions the storage in the previous domain.

    • If the operation is unsuccessful, the system does not migrate the volume but instead displays an appropriate error dialog:
      • The target Storage Domain has insufficient free capacity of the selected Storage Class. To resolve, remove unneeded volumes that consume capacity on the drive groups of that Storage Class. You can also add drive groups or add more storage capacity to the drive group.

      • The target Storage Domain does not contain enough storage capacity. To resolve, add to the target Storage Domain one or more drive groups of the desired Storage Class.