Storage Domain Integrity Check

The Oracle FS System continuously monitors and verifies the integrity of the data that is stored or changed on the Storage Domain. For auto‑tiered LUNs, the system runs the integrity check to verify that the LUN data and the LUN address locations, which describes where the data resides, are not lost or corrupted.

In the event that the system detects a problem with the auto‑tier address location, the system sends a Volumes Have Lost Mappings system alert. Lost mappings is a condition in which data on the auto‑tiered LUNs might not be accessible or available. The integrity check on the Storage Domain begins immediately after the discovery of the lost mappings. This check cannot be cancelled by the administrator. The integrity check can take several minutes to several hours to complete. The actual time depends on the number of LUNs and the amount of data that the system checks.

During the integrity check, the system verifies that the locations to the auto‑tier data is correctly reported. If the Storage Domain has the Tier Reallocation option disabled, then the integrity check does not apply.

The system also automatically runs the integrity check in the following circumstances:

You can initiate an integrity check on the Storage Domain at any time, or as instructed by Oracle Customer Support. If you initiate the integrity check while the system is already performing the check, the system ignores your request.