Display Capacity Usage

You can display the capacity usage of all Storage Domains by Storage Class and compare that usage to the total system capacity and to the assigned capacity limits of the Oracle FS System.
  1. Navigate to System > Dashboard.
    Result:The Dashboard shows the storage capacity for each Storage Domain in the system.
  2. Review the displayed capacity usage for each Storage Domain.
    Figure 1 Usage summary Usage summary 
    Note: Drive manufacturers often report drive capacities in decimal units (powers of 10). An Oracle FS System reports the capacity of physical storage and the size of logical volumes in binary units (powers of two):
    • 1 MB = 10242 (1,048,576) bytes
    • 1 GB = 10243 (1,073,741,824) bytes
    • 1 TB = 10244 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes