Reset the Oracle FS System

In extremely rare circumstances, you might need to reset your system serial number and system configuration.


A special system reset file that is associated with the system serial number from Oracle Customer Support.

WARNING: Because this action deletes all user data along with the system configuration, the system prompts you to confirm the system reset operation. Be absolutely sure you want to reset your system, because all data in your system will be lost.
The system reset file performs the following actions:
  • Deletes all data stored on the Oracle FS System

  • Resets the configuration to an initial state

  1. Navigate to Support > System Trouble.
  2. Select Actions > Reset System.
    Result:The Reset System dialog box is displayed.
  3. Read the WARNING text and, when you are ready, click the browse button (...) to proceed.
  4. Navigate to and select the system reset file that you received from Oracle Customer Support.
  5. Click OK.
  6. When prompted to confirm the deletion of all data and the system configuration, click OK to reset your system.

The Oracle FS System restarts and the user data is no longer available. Set the Controller service type as the system restarts. The startup process will not continue until you set the service type. When the startup is complete, the system is returned to an initial state.