Run the Statistics Parser

The Statistics Parser tool creates a file that can be formatted for use with applications such as spreadsheets.

Prerequisite: Before you can process the statistics files with the Statistics Parser tool, extract the individual statistics files, along with the ID_name.chsh.xml, file from the statistics bundle.
Note: Statistical data files are downloaded to the PillarStatistics directory by default. The fsstatsparser looks for its input files in the PillarStatistics directory by default. Oracle recommends that you do not change PillarStatistics directory name or location.
  1. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the statistics files.
    Note: This directory is the parent directory of the newly-created PillarStatistics directory.
  2. From a command prompt, run the fsstatsparser command.
    If you have not changed the PillarStatistics folder name or location, the command begins processing the statistics into an intermediate file, which is named fsstats.sps.
    • If the statistics files are in a location different from the default PillarStatistics directory, you need to specify the location. To specify this location use the -i option to select a folder directory other than the default folder. We recommend you use the default folder, PillarStatistics.
    • To specify an output filename other than the default fsstats.sps, use the -o option. We recommend that you use the default output filename.
Once the output file has been created, format the output file with the Statistics Formatter tool.