
Creates a secure connection and logs you in to the Oracle FS System.


   [ ‑u admin‑user
     ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system
     [-webcliPort port-number]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


The following information is required to log in to an Oracle FS System:
  • The name of the account that you are using.

  • The host name or IP address of the Oracle FS System that you are logging in to.

  • A valid password when the system prompts you for it on the command line.

To log in without providing the account name and system name in the login command, define the following environmental variables before you log in:
  • PDS_USER: account name

  • PDS_HOST: system name

Note: The Oracle FS System prompts you for a password by displaying the Password: string on the command-line. The system validates the password that you entered when you press the [Enter] key. For security, the account password cannot be defined in an environment variable. If you are already logged into another FSCLI session, the command line prompts you to continue the new login, which will terminate your previous existing FSCLI session. Oracle recommends that you not use the Cygwin command line interface to run the fscli application on Windows platforms. If you are running the Cygwin interface and include the ‑u option as a part of the ‑list subcommand, the password for the specified account is included in the results. Exposing the password can cause a breach in security.
In addition to the environmental variables that are used to log in, you can also set the PDS_TIMEOUT environmental variable. The PDS_TIMEOUT variable specifies the maximum time each command can block the command‑line before you can issue another command. When running a given command, you have the option of overriding the time specified by the PDS_TIMEOUT variable. If a given command does not complete before you log out or the session times out, the Oracle FS System will continue running the command until it completes or fails. To determine whether the command completed after a session ends, log back in and check the command completion status in the task list or event log by issuing the following commands:
  • task ‑list ‑details

  • event_log ‑list ‑before current-time ‑after command-issued

After logging in, run the system ‑list ‑status command to check overall system status. Also, check for any outstanding system alerts by running the system_alert ‑list command. Be sure to check the system status before issuing any administrative commands. Many of the FSCLI commands will not run or complete successfully if the system is operating in a compromised state.

Note: Administrators with primary administrator, admin1, admin2, monitor, or support roles are authorized to run the login command.


Logs out all current administration sessions for the username provided. Use the -force option in the following cases:
  • To log in when the maximum number of 10 sessions are in use.

  • To perform commands that make system changes that could affect other administrators.


Specifies the name of the Oracle FS System that you are logging in to. Identify the system by IP address or hostname.


Used in scripting environments. Requests that a session key be returned. The session key provides additional authentication for each FSCLI command at the time the command is issued in a batch process.


Specifies the name of the account on the designated system.


Directs the login request to an alternate webcli port number on the Oracle FS System. This option is only necessary if the webcli port number in use has been modified from its default value.



Logs out all current administration sessions for the username provided.

  • The name of the account: administrator

  • The name of the Oracle FS System: production

  • A flag to force a logout and session termination for all other users with the same account name.

$ fscli login ‑u administrator ‑oracleFS production ‑force