G Error Handling

This appendix provides information about how to resolve the errors that occur in Agile Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Design to Release.

This appendix includes the following section:

G.1 Resolving Errors

Table G-1 provides actions to take to resolve errors that may occur in Agile Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Design to Release.

Table G-1 Error messages and solutions

ID Flow Error Message AIA/Agile/Ebiz Business/System Action to resolve


Sync Item and then Create ECO for that Item and add Revision as A and Submit it

You must enter an item revision for revised item <<PartName>> that is greater than or equal to the current revision., Entity Id: RI Message Text: You must enter revisions and effectivity dates in ascending order Cause: A lower revision with a later effectivity date than your revision already exists. Action: Enter an effectivity date for your revision that is later than all other effectivity dates. Cause: A higher revision with an earlier effectivity date than your revision already exists. Action: Enter a revision that is higher than all other revisions.

AIA Business

Revision must be greater than I, since sync Item sync's with INT Rev in Ebiz.


Create ECO / Validate ECO

FATAL_ERROR::BINDING_FAULT:: Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderService' failed due to: Set object error.

Error binding the value of parameter P_ECO_OBJ_LIST.

An error occurred when binding the value of parameter P_ECO_OBJ_LIST in the apps.INV_EBI_CHANGE_ORDER_PUB.VALIDATE_CHANGE_ORDER_LIST API. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Inserted value too large for column: "NOT_FOUND"

AIA Business

Usually this error comes when proper site details are not updated in AGILE_SITE_TARGET_MAPPING DVM in AIA. You must make sure that all sites details are present in AGILE_SITE_TARGET_MAPPING DVM.


Check to ensure that the parameter is a valid IN or IN/OUT parameter of the API. This exception is considered not retriable, likely due to a modelling mistake. To classify it as retriable instead add property nonRetriableErrorCodes with value "-17072" to your deployment descriptor (i.e. WebLogic-ra.xml). To auto retry a retriable fault set these composite.xml properties for this invoke: jca.retry.interval, jca.retry.count, and jca.retry.backoff. All properties are integers. ".

The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.

Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.



Validate / Create ECO

Submit/Release ECO adding child Organization in Site tab without adding Master Organization.

Org Code: <<ChildOrg>> ECO Name: <<ECOName>> Err Msg: Entity Id: ITEM Message Text: This Child Item has no Master Item record in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.

AIA Business

Whenever you add child Organization, make sure to add the Master Organization in the Site tab.


Create ECO on BOM assembly and add a blank row in the redlining BOM from Java client and Submit ECO

A Blank row exists in the BOM

AIA Business

Remove any blank row in redlining BOM tab and resubmit the ECO


Validate/ Process ECO - Same ECO already exist in EBiz

Org Code: <<Org Code>> ECO Name: <<ECOName>> Err Msg: Entity Id: ECO Message Text: The ECO <<ECOName>> you are trying to create already exists in the organization <<Org Code>>., Entity Id: RI Message Text: This record received an error status since a severe error occured in the ECO <<ECOName>> while checking if the ECO exists., Entity Id: BO Message Text: An error occured while processing business object <<ECOName>> in organization <<Org Code>>. Please check the data in this business object and re-run the import process

AIA Business

Modify the ECO name and resubmit/ re-release them.


BOM components having only child organization- Submit/Release ECO

Org Code: <<ChildOrg>> ECO Name: <<ECOName>> Err Msg: Entity Id: ITEM Message Text: This Child Item has no Master Item record in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.

AIA Business

Add the Master Organization also in the child component and Resubmit/release it.


Create/Validate ECO

Org Code: <<Org Name>> ECO Name: <<ECOName>> Err Msg: Entity Id: ECO Message Text: The ECO <<ECOName>> you are trying to create already exists in the organization <<Org Name>>., Entity Id: RI Message Text: This record received an error status since a severe error occured in the ECO <<ECOName>> while checking if the ECO exists., Entity Id: BO Message Text: An error occured while processing business object <<ECOName>> in organization <<Org Name>>. Please check the data in this business object and re-run the import process.

AIA Business

ECO already exist in Ebiz.