
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

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What's New in This Guide for Release 11.3

Part I Understanding the Delivered Process Integrations

1 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration for Oracle E-Business Suite

2 Process Integration for Item Attribute Update

3 Process Integration for Item Balance Update

4 Process Integration for New Part Request

5 Process Integration for Item Synchronization

6 Process Integration for Change Order Validation

7 Process Integration for Change Order Release

8 Process Integration for Change Order Update

9 Process Integration for Variant Management

10 Process Integration for Initial Load of Items

Part II Implementing the Delivered Process Integrations

11 Configuring Process Integration for Agile PLM Oracle E-Business Suite

A Functionalities Available

B Queue Management

C Troubleshooting

D Security Policies Validation

E Managing Upgrade and Downgrade of Agile PLM Versions

F Frequently Asked Questions

G Error Handling