7 Process Integration for Change Order Release

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for change order release and discusses solution assumptions and constraints, interfaces, core Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components, and integration services.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 Overview

When the engineers are done authoring a part's attributes and design information and are ready to publish it to the manufacturing system, they release the part on an Engineering Change Order (ECO) or Manufacturing Change Order (MCO). In addition, during the design phase, an assembly can go through multiple design changes, which are revision-controlled by means of ECOs. A design change may be accompanied by a change in specifications, which can be attached as files to the item object.

Within Agile PLM, the change release process used for releasing new parts and part updates (Revision, Manufacturer, and Site changes) uses three types of change orders:

  • ECO: used for releasing changes to design, attributes, and Bill of Materials (BOM).

    The ECO release results in the creation of a new revision for the item.

  • MCO: used for releasing changes to manufacturer, manufacturer parts and related attributes (Approved Manufacturer List information).

    The MCO does not result in a change of Revision.

  • Site change order (SCO): used for releasing changes to site and site-specific AML information.

    SCO does not result in a change of revision and life cycle phase. SCO is applicable only to a customer environment that has implemented Multi-Site.

These change order information should be synchronized with Oracle E-Business Suite so that the processes controlled by Oracle E-Business Suite such as manufacturing planning, costing, procurement, and so on can reflect the latest design of the assembly.

The release of a change order in Agile PLM generally acts as a trigger for the synchronization of product design information with the ERP system; in this case, it is Oracle E-Business. Because Agile PLM is the system of record for product design data, the synchronization process involves the transfer of the released revision of the product design from Agile PLM to the manufacturing system. This information is moved forward from Agile PLM, triggered by an event tied to the change in status of a change order object. The information is then parsed in an integration object format and sent to Oracle E-Business Suite for implementation. A confirmation of its implementation status is sent to Agile PLM.

In general, the ECO process:

  • Creates new items in Oracle E-Business Suite/PIM

  • Creates an ECO in Oracle E-Business Suite

  • Associates a list of revised items with new revisions and effectivity dates, and schedules the ECO for implementation

  • Creates a new BOM

  • Updates the transfer status in Agile PLM

Figure 7-1 illustrates change order release process flow:

Figure 7-1 Change order release process flow diagram

This image is described in surrounding text

7.2 Change Order Release Process Integration

The change order release process from Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business includes:

  1. Releasing a change order in Agile PLM

  2. Generating of an aXML by Agile PLM Content Server (ACS)

  3. Parsing and transformation of aXML Data

  4. Posting change order data to Oracle E-Business Suite

  5. Communicating order processing status to Agile PLM

7.2.1 Releasing a Change Order in Agile PLM

When a change analyst approves the change order in Agile PLM, it is marked as released. This status makes all the changes specified in the change order take effect in Agile PLM. In addition, an optional additional status of complete or implemented exists that indicates the completion of all partner communications, material dispositions, and other actions related to the change order.

Before the release of a change order, it is subjected to prevalidation before its approval stage. This involves validation of certain business rules to ascertain that the flow of change order from Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite would meet all the conditions set in the destination system.

7.2.2 Generating an aXML by ACS

ACS generates an aXML (Agile PLM XML) file based on the change order data. As per the filters configured in the ACS, this file contains the information of items, BOM, manufacturers, and the change order itself.

For the purpose of the Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite integration process, ACS is configured to ensure that:

  1. The aXML file is configured to carry the following elements from a change order:

    • Change Order Data: Cover Page, Page Two, Page Three, and Affected Items tab attributes

    • Revised Item Data: Title Block, Page Two, Page Three, and Sites tab

    • BOM Data: BOM tab of Items (including reference designators) with delta BOMs only for the revision on Change Order

    • AML Data: AML tab of Items with delta Approved Manufacturer Lists only


      The assumption is that the manufacturer already exists in Oracle E-Business Suite.

  2. Upon release of a change order, the aXML file goes to a Java Message Service (JMS) queue or a file folder.

7.2.3 Parsing and Transformation of aXML Data

The data contained in an aXML file generated by Agile PLM is not in the format that is understood by Enterprise Business Objects (EBO). Hence, this data has to be parsed and transformed.

The parsing and transformation of aXML data entails:

  1. Segregation of business objects

  2. Sequencing and queuing of change orders

  3. Translating Agile PLM site-specific objects into Oracle E-Business Suite's organization-specific objects

  4. Translating Agile PLM change order types into Oracle E-Business Suite's change order type

  5. Mapping Agile PLM change order attributes to corresponding attributes in Oracle E-Business Suite

  6. Ascertaining item existence in Oracle E-Business Suite

  7. Defining user exit points for custom transformations

Segregation of Business Objects

The aXML file contains collective information about the business objects-change order, item attributes, revised item lines, BOM redlines, reference designators, and so on. This information is broken down into individual components and mapped, one to one, with corresponding EBOs, that is, item, change order, and structure.

Agile ACS output is configured so that only BOM delta changes (redline information) are captured in the output aXML file. The supported types of BOM redline are:

  • Addition of a new component to the BOM

  • Removal of an existing component from the BOM

  • Replacement of an existing component by another on the BOM

  • Modification of one or more attributes pertaining to a component on BOM. This includes, but is not limited to the component Find Number (or sequence number on the BOM), component quantity and reference designators

The Oracle E-Business ABCS layer captures these changes and replicates them on the corresponding BOM structures in the system. To maintain referential integrity, the change number is associated with each business individual object. In order to identify the component row being modified, the Agile PLM should not allow the same component item being present multiple times with either same or with different item sequence numbers in a given BOM.

This condition is driven by the following constraints in Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM:

  • Oracle E-Business BOM does not allow duplicate components with same operation sequence irrespective of whether same or different item sequence number for the same component item in a given context organization.

  • Agile does not provide ability to capture operation sequence for each BOM component row and validating the component item and operation sequence combination uniqueness and then send it to Oracle E-Business Suite through the integration.


In Agile PLM, ensure that the same item is not contained multiple times in a given BOM. Also, ensure that the same find number is not assigned to more than one item in a given BOM.

Sequencing and Queuing of Change Orders

The change order release process begins with queuing of the change order number in the process queue controller, which sequences the change orders for transfer of parsed data to Oracle E-Business Suite. After the data is processed by Oracle E-Business Suite and its implementation status received, the change order is removed from the process queue.

Translating Agile PLM Site-specific objects into Oracle E-Business Suite's Organization-specific Objects

The data coming from Agile PLM is split into individual Oracle E-Business Suite organization-specific business objects. This is because the data in Agile PLM can be:

  • Centralized: all design locations share the same product design information.

    In the case of an Agile PLM environment with no multi sites, the list of organizations assigning an item mapping is derived from a P2/P3 attribute using a simple or complex transformation based on the customers' environment. The attribute values are typically common for all sites. In addition, the same template is typically used for creating an item in each organization.

  • Decentralized: the site-specific item attributes, change control, and so on are implemented to multiple sites.

    The data in Oracle E-Business Suite, however, is segregated by organizations.

    In the case of multi-sites, the list of organizations to which an item needs to be assigned is derived from the item's site assignment. An item's site assignment in Agile is mapped to one or more E-Business organizations. In addition, some of the mapped attributes (including item templates) can have different values for the different sites and the change order lines can have site-specific effectivity dates although the revisions numbers across the sites remain same.

    It is possible to configure the integration to control the transfer of BOM only to specific organizations. In such a case, other mapped organizations would only receive item information. This capability can be used based on customer requirements.

    Site -specific AML is not supported for the Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite integration. This is because though Agile PLM allows AML data to be different for different sites, Oracle E-Business Suite associates the AML data at item's master organization level only.

Translating Agile PLM Change Order Types into Oracle E-Business Suite's Change Order Type

In Agile PLM, a change order is categorized into one of the following change types:

  • ECO

  • MCO

  • SCO

These categories are called as classes in Agile PLM. A class may have one or more sub-classes.

Oracle E-Business Suite does not have a separate category for each change type, and hence, these cannot be differentiated. Hence, when these change types are parsed and processed in Agile PLM, they are translated in Oracle E-Business Suite with the following functionalities:

Table 7-1 Oracle E-Business Suite Translated Functionalities


Customer adoption

All installations

All installations

Only when multi-site is enabled

New revisions for revised items


Not supported

Not supported

Tables redlined

BOMs and Approved Manufacturer List (AML);

Global as well as site-specific

AML only; Global as well as site-specific

Site-specific BOMs and AML only

Effectivity Date

At line level;

Global when multisite is not enabled;

Separate for each site when multisite is enabled

Not specified on change order

At line levels;

site-specific only

Other line-level attributes

Global when multisite is not enabled;

Separate for each site when multisite is enabled

Global when multisite is not enabled;

Separate for each site when multisite is enabled

Site-specific only

New Item Release



Only item updates are supported

Ascertaining Item Existence in Oracle E-Business Suite

When an introductory revision of an item is released for the first time in Agile PLM (which can be done on an ECO or MCO but not on an SCO), the assumption is that the item has been authored in Agile PLM and does not exist in Oracle E-Business Suite. In such cases, the item must be created using template(s) in Oracle E-Business Suite.

An item is created in the Master Org of Oracle E-Business Suite in two ways:

  1. Agile PLM releases new part introduction information to Oracle E-Business Suite through a change order, as a first time release.

  2. The item information is loaded in Oracle E-Business Suite by an external system other than Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM.

    If the Item already exists in the Master Org, and Agile PLM releases a change order to create the same item, the system ends due to error. Because Agile PLM does not explicitly send information about first time, or subsequent releases of an item, a lookup table is employed to ascertain the existence of the item in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    This lookup table maintains unique identifiers for the items received from Agile PLM and corresponding items created in Oracle E-Business Suite. It also maintains the unique identifiers for the items created in Oracle E-Business Suite by an external application. These unique identifiers help in ascertaining the existence of an item in Oracle E-Business Suite, thus eliminating any duplication errors.

    Any subsequent release of the item from Agile PLM should be sent as an update transaction, and should be expected that the item already exists in the master organization. In this case, however, if the item does not exist, the process will create the item in Oracle E-Business Suite.

Defining User Exit Points for Custom Transformations

User exits have been provided in the integration to allow custom transformations or filtration routines that a customer may want to add in the process without affecting the main integration flow.

7.2.4 Posting Change Order Data to Oracle E-Business Suite

The processing of change order data into the Oracle E-Business Suite system is the foundation of this integration. As part of this step, the following activities are performed:

  1. Item Master Synchronization:

    For all the items sent to Oracle E-Business Suite, the system verifies whether the items already exist and have the same revision number as the old item from Agile PLM. If the item does not exist in Oracle E-Business Suite and it is being released for the first time from Agile PLM, it is created in Oracle E-Business Suite. If the item already exists in Oracle E-Business Suite and the two systems are coordinated to item revision, the existing item is updated with new attribute data from Agile PLM.

    If the two systems are not in sync with regards to the earlier revision of the revised item (that is, per the data from Agile PLM, the old revision of the item does not match the current revision of the item in Oracle E-Business Suite), an error occurs.

    Alternately, the integration may also be configured to ignore the matching of earlier revisions. If the item does not exist in Oracle E-Business Suite, it is created only in Oracle E-Business Suite. If the item already exists in Oracle E-Business Suite, it is updated and the incoming transaction type from Agile PLM is updated.

  2. Item Organization Assignment:

    Items are assigned to organizations. Sites and organizations assigned on the P2 Multilist01 field in the item and Default Master Org are considered in the following order:

    • Sites (highest priority)

    • P2 Multilist

    • Default master Org (lowest priority)

    • Site or Organizations should be assigned at the beginning of the first-time release of an item

    • If the sites or organizations need to be added to the items in subsequent releases of an Item, the redlining of BOM or AML and the organization extension cannot be done at the same time because only the delta changes are done. Hence, the item may not be created correctly in the extended organizations.

    • If the organization extension must be done at the subsequent release of an item with more complicated use cases, the COPY BOM or COMMON BOM customization can be used or designed to support the use cases.


    Affected items need to be provided with the lifecycle status. The lifecycle status is used to determine the first time or the subsequent release of an item.

  3. AML Update:

    New, approved manufacturer-list information from Agile PLM replaces the existing item AML. AML information is supported at the master item level only in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    Site-specific AML is not supported for the Agile to Oracle E-Business integration. This is because though Agile allows AML data to be different for different sites, Oracle E-Business associates the AML data at item's master organization level only.


    Before performing AML updates, you must ensure that an item is released through an ECO. AML updates on an item with Introductory revision can cause AML data inconsistencies between Agile and Ebiz.

  4. BOM Update (including reference designator):

    The XML data from Agile PLM contains only the changes made to BOMs and not the complete BOM. As a result, BOM data must be coordinated between Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite for the older revision in order for the new revision of BOM data to be posted successfully.

  5. Create Change Order

    The actual change order is created as an object in Oracle E-Business Suite. At the end of the post, the change order is set to a status of "scheduled" for implementation by the Oracle's Auto-Implement Manager. The Auto-Implement Manager implements the change order's lines when their scheduled Effectivity Date arrives. The complete change order is moved to the implemented status when all the lines are successfully implemented.

  6. Oracle E-Business Suite profile option ENG: Require Revised Item New Revision

    It should be set to No.

    When a SCO or MCO is released from Agile PLM, the revision of the affected item is not changed. In Oracle E-Business Suite, if a change order exists for the item for that particular revision, this SCO or MCO case ends due to error. To avoid this scenario, new_revised_item_revision field is set to NULL. As a result, in the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface for the revised items, the revision field will be blank.

  7. Implement Initial Item Revision Setup

    If an item is created in an Oracle E-Business Suite organization as part of the create change order processing, then the initial item revision created based on the Oracle E-Business Suite organization level setup for the item will not have the change order reference information displayed from that item revision detail.

    The initial item revision will have sysdate as the effective date. If customers want to see the change order reference information from the item revision detail while transferring an item for the first time to the Oracle E-Business Suite organization, then as part of the create change order process, along with the revision effective date, they should provide the item revision code. The item revision code should be higher in terms of ASCII value compared to the initial item revision setup at the Oracle E-Business Suite organization. Customers need to plan and implement the initial item revision setup at the Oracle E-Business Suite organization accordingly.

A large number of business rule validations are done by the Oracle E-Business Suite APIs as part of posting the change order data in Oracle E-Business Suite, especially when item and BOM data is created.

Some of the actions involved (such as item creation, BOM update, and so on) may involve different ways of handling exceptions from implementation to customer.

For example, if a component is being added to a BOM in a given Oracle E-Business Suite organization and it does not exist as an item in Oracle E-Business Suite, two types of actions can be set:

  • Stop the BOM processing if an item does not exist in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    However, if the item exists in Master Org and the context Org is the Child Org, then it is configurable.

  • Create the component using information fed by Agile PLM (or if it already exists in the master Org in Oracle E-Business Suite, extend it to the child Org), and resume processing of the BOM.

    However, if a workflow is associated for the change order Type, then the incoming ECO is created in the initial stage itself.

    Different customers may have different preferences on which action to perform. The choice of such actions is therefore exposed to the integration administrator using configurable parameters.

7.2.5 Communicating Change Order Implementation Status to Agile PLM

When the process of posting change order data into Oracle E-Business Suite finishes (successfully or with errors), change order processing status is sent to Agile PLM.

On receiving the status from Oracle E-Business Suite, Agile PLM change order update process is initiated with the change order number, and a value of Errored or Transferred is sent to the Agile PLM's Transfer Status attribute (change order P2 or P3 defined attribute for the Change.TransferStatusAttribute property). In an error scenario, error message is set in an P2/P3 attribute (defined in Change.TransferStatusDetailedMessageAttribute property).

From Agile PLM 9.3.2 onwards, you are provided with a new Action Items tab that corresponds to each ATO. If ECO processing fails in the AIA layer, a corresponding error details is displayed in the Action Items tab in Agile PLM.

To track business or system errors, a business user does not have to use the Queue Monitoring UI. The actions taken by the Change Analyst are as follows:

  • For business errors, modifies the CO and resubmits. This creates a new ATO.

  • For system errors, resubmits the same ATO back into AIA, either from AIA Queue UI or from Agile ATO Actions tab. To avoid inconsistency in the Action Items tabs data, we recommend that you use re-submit/re-process functionality.


The common error scenarios and their resolutions encountered during Oracle internal testing is documented in Appendix G, "Error Handling". This can be used as a Wiki resource for business users to take appropriate actions if a CO processing fails in the AIA Layer.

For more information about configuration settings, see:

Figure 7-2, Figure 7-3, and Figure 7-4 illustrate the change order release integration sequence:

Figure 7-2 Change order release integration diagram (1 of 3)

This image is described in surrounding text

Figure 7-3 Change order release integration diagram (2 of 3)

This image is described in surrounding text

Figure 7-4 Change order release integration diagram (3 of 3)

This image is described in surrounding text


The integration flow is the same for both ECO and Part/Product Release (PREL) use cases.

7.2.6 Exceptions

The following exception conditions create error messages for this integration process:

  • If Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite are not in sync with regards to the earlier revision of the revised item (that is, per the data from Agile PLM, the old revision of the item does not match the current revision of the item in Oracle E-Business Suite), an error occurs.

  • Failure to update the queue status.

  • Errors raised during the transformations.

7.2.7 Change Order Release Integration Services Orchestration

Figure 7-5 and Figure 7-6 illustrate change order release integration flow:

Figure 7-5 Change order release integration flow (1 of 2)

This image is described in surrounding text

Figure 7-6 Change order release integration flow (2 of 2)

This image is described in surrounding text

Table 7-2 lists the activities involved in this integration:

Table 7-2 Activities involved in Change Order Release integration

Step Activity Remarks


Agile PLM ACS transmits Agile PLM ECO data in payload in the form of predefined XML format known as aXML. This file will be queued up for further processing.

For the ECO process flow to be triggered, an ACS Workflow Event is generated on approval of ECO in Agile PLM.


The QueueController Framework reads the highest priority Queue Message and transforms the payload (aXML) to AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM.

QueueController processes the payload.


QueueController invokes the ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl with AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM as input.



AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM is transformed into CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM.

EBM is created.


ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl invokes the CreateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation on EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM as input.



EngineeringChangeOrderEBS routes CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl.



CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl transforms CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM into the input of Oracle E-Business Suite service and calls that service.

This activity creates items in PIM/Oracle E-Business Suite, creates an ECO, associates revised items with this ECO, and creates BOM.


CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl invokes the CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponse operation on EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS with CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM as input.



EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS routes CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM to ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl.

Response message routing.


ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl sends the status back to the QueueController to update the queue.

This status is updated against the queue message in the database by the QueueController.


ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl transforms CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM into AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM.

AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM is sent as an input to the Agile PLM Web Service.

AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM is sent to ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl.

The Web services update the transfer status of the change order in Agile PLM, which will be a predefined P2 or P3 attribute on the change order object in Agile PLM.

In an error scenario, error message is set in an P2 or P3 attribute. From Agile PLM 9.3.2 onwards, you are provided with a new Action Items tab that corresponds to each ATO. A previously errored ATO is re-sent through a re-process action in ATO Action Item tab.



Note: The ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl composite uses the oracle/wss_http_token_client_policy client security policy while calling the ChangeABS service hosted on the Agile server. The security credentials for this are stored in the csf-key AgileWebServicesKey on Fusion Middleware (FMW). The Agile username and password need to be setup correctly so that the Agile service is invoked successfully from the AIA composite in the FMW layer.

7.2.8 Defining Transaction Boundaries and Recovery Details

The process integration for change order release flow includes a list of services and five transaction boundaries. This flow includes the following services:

  • QueueProcessorService

  • QueueProcessorServiceImpl

  • ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl

  • EngineeringChangeOrderEBS

  • CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl

  • CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizAdapter

  • EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS

The following table describes the transactions, database operations involved and solutions in case of any errors.

Table 7-3 Transaction Boundaries and Recovery details

S.No Transaction DB Operations In Case of Error Recovery


QueueProcessorServiceImpl with AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM as input invokes ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl service



Release again Change order from Agile or re-submit Process ECO from QueueUI


ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl service transforms AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM to CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM.

ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl invokes the CreateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation on EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM as input.

EngineeringChangeOrderEBS routes CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl.

AIA cross-referenceentries

RollBack Cross-Reference Entries

Release again Change order from Agile or re-submit Process ECO from QueueUI


CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl transforms CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM into the input of Oracle E-Business Suite service and calls CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizAdapter service.

CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizAdapter invokes the Ebiz Apps Adapter and sends the response back to CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl

CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl invokes the CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponse operation on EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS with CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM as input.

EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS routes CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM to ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl.

AIA cross-referenceentries

RollBack Cross-Reference Entries

Release again Change order from Agile or re-submit Process ECO from QueueUI


ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl sends the status back to the QueueController to update the queue.



Release again Change order from Agile or re-submit Process ECO from QueueUI


ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl transforms CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM into AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM.

AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM is sent as an input to the Agile PLM Web Service.



Release again Change order from Agile or re-submit Process ECO from QueueUI

For more information about rollback procedures, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring Oracle AIA Processes for Error Handling and Trace Logging", "Configuring Fault Policies to Not Issue Rollback Messages".

7.3 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

  1. When an introductory revision of an item is released for the first time in Agile PLM (which can be done on an ECO or MCO but not on an SCO), the assumption is that the item has been authored in Agile PLM and does not exist in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    In such cases, the item must be created using the templates in Oracle E-Business Suite

  2. Any subsequent release of the item from Agile PLM should be sent as an update transaction, and should be expected that the item already exists in the master organization.

    In this case, however, if the item does not exist, the item will be created in Oracle E-Business Suite. Items and updates can be released through the ECO, MCO, or SCO but only ECO allows the creation of new revisions.

  3. The ECO is used to associate new revision, effectivity date, BOM, and reference designator information with the new item.

  4. The ECO is used to transfer the new part or part update information from Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite.

  5. Every ECO process is monitored for its status.

  6. The user is able to prioritize the ECO processes.

  7. A new process can start running only after the first process is completed.

  8. It is assumed that the manufacturer already exists in Oracle E-Business Suite.

  9. Manufacturer names between Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite are not mapped through DVMs.

    Therefore, care should be taken to ensure the Agile manufacturer names match the manufacturer. Name in the manufacturer list in Oracle E-Business Suite.

  10. BOM Replicate and BOM Commoning features are addressed through extensions.

  11. The Substitute Components feature is addressed through extensions.

  12. When an item in Agile has an Obsolete or Inactive Lifecycle status, an ECO or MCO must be created with the lifecycle status of inactive or obsolete and assign it to the master organization. This will also set the status at the child organization.

  13. The integration cannot process an ECO to update master controlled item attributes and assign the item to a child organization both together at the same time. In these cases, you can use the following workarounds:

    1. Directly assign the item in Oracle E-Business Suite child organization, and then through the PIP release update the master controlled attributes in all the required organizations.

    2. Split the ECO in Agile into two steps:

      1. Release an ECO through PIP to assign the item to missing child organization.

      2. Release another ECO to modify master controlled attributes in all the required organizations.

    3. Use the synch item flow to assign the item to the missing child by using the PIP. Release an ECO to update the master controlled attributes in all the required organizations.


    The feature to assign the ICC in the master organization item and to also assign the item to child organization through single ECO is not supported.

  14. If the OldLifecycle Phase field of the Parent item in ECO affected items is left blank or is mentioned as Preliminary, then the update or removal of child item in BOM is not supported.

  15. A part is considered new or a first-time releasing part if the part does not have a cross-reference entry in the ITEM_ITEMID xref table or if the part's old lifecycle phase is "Preliminary" or empty.

  16. Action Item gets assigned to Change Analyst of the Change Order. In case Change Order is not assigned to any Change Analyst, then Action Item gets assigned to Agile PLM user provided at the time of PIP installation. It is assumed that User Name does not contain any special character such as "(*" and so on. Only one Change Analyst is assigned to any Change Order.

  17. In case an ATO is re-sent through re-process action in ATO Action Item tab, previously sent message is automatically removed from the queue and no additional action is required on Queue UI to be reprocessed. Queue is automatically unblocked.

  18. SOA Auto Recovery must be turned off when Action Items tab of an ATO is used for Error handling from Agile 9.3.2 onwards.

7.3.1 Using Inactive or Obsolete Lifecycle Status

You might encounter an error when running the Lifecycle inactive status for the master organization.

Here are the steps to run the Lifecycle inactive status only for the master organization:

  1. Create the item in Agile for both ITM and TSC Organization.

  2. Sync this to EBS, and confirm item exist in both Organization.

7.4 Agile PLM Interfaces

Table 7-4 lists the Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files:

Table 7-4 Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files

Interface Description



Used to create an EngineeringChangeOrder in Oracle E-Business Suite

Table 7-5 lists the Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files:

Table 7-5 Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files

Interface Description




Contains CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM and CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM, and corresponding ABOs.

7.5 Oracle E-Business Suite Interfaces

Table 7-6 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files:

Table 7-6 Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files

Interface Description



Used for the OA adapter INV_EBI_CHANGE_ORDER_PUB/PROCESS_CHANGE_ORDER_LIST pl/sql function call

Table 7-7 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files:

Table 7-7 Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files

Interface Description




7.6 Core AIA Components

Table 7-8 lists the core AIA components:

Table 7-8 Core AIA Components

Component Name









Table 7-9 lists the core components locations:

Table 7-9 Core components locations

Component Location

EBO and EBM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files


$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) files

$AIA_HOME/apps/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary /Core/EBO/

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1.

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and will remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Understanding Extensibility."

7.6.1 Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite Components for Change Order Release

Table 7-10 lists Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite services used in this integration:

Table 7-10 Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite services in this Integration

Services Agile PLM (Requester) Oracle E-Business Suite (Provider)












EngineeringChangeOrderEBS (CreateEngineeringChangeOrderList Operation)

EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS (CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponse Operation)

Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)




Adapter service





Table 7-11 lists the core components locations:

Table 7-11 Core components locations

Component Location

Application Business Objects, ABM, and Common XSD files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Agile PLM/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

WSDL files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Agile PLM/V1/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


7.7 Integration Services

The integration services for the change order release process are:

  • EngineeringChangeOrderEBS

  • ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl

  • CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl

7.7.1 EngineeringChangeOrderEBS

EngineeringChangeOrderEBS exposes the operations related to the ECO integration on the EngineeringChangeOrder EBO.

The following list itemizes the routing rules:

  • EngineeringChangeOrderEBS service:

    CreateEngineeringChangeOrderList: Routes CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl

  • EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS service:

    CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponse: Routes CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM to ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl

7.7.2 ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl

ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl is used for transforming AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM into CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM. This service invokes the CreateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation on EngineeringChangeOrderEBS for creation of an ECO in Oracle E-Business Suite. Based on the status of the ECO creation in Oracle E-Business Suite, this service updates the queue status. In addition, this service updates the transfer status attribute in the change order.

This service is implemented as an asynchronous BPEL process:

  1. The QueueController creates AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM and invokes ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl.

  2. ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl transforms AgileCreateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM into CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM and invokes the CreateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation on EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM as an input.

  3. CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM is received from EngineeringChangeOrderEBS and based on the status of the ECO creation in Oracle E-Business Suite; the QueueController is invoked to update the status of the queue message.

  4. ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl transforms CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM into AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM, which is sent as an input to the Agile PLM Web service.

  5. The Web services update the transfer status of the change order in Agile PLM, which is a predefined P2 or P3 attribute on the change order object in Agile PLM.

    AgileUpdateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM is sent to ProcessEngineeringChangeOrderAgileReqABCSImpl.

7.7.3 CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl

This is a single operation service. This accepts an ECO-containing item and BOM information message as a request and returns a response.

In Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite flow, CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl is used for transforming CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM into CreateECOABM, which invokes the CreateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation in Oracle E-Business Suite.

In the return flow, the OA Adapter sends CreateECOResponseABM, which is transformed by CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl into CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM.

This service is implemented as an asynchronous BPEL Process.