3 Process Integration for Item Balance Update

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for item balance update and discusses solution assumptions and constraints, interfaces, core Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components, and integration services.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Overview

Agile PLM is the master for part and product information. Oracle E-Business Suite manages certain business related information related to the parts such as quantity on hand. This business information is regularly updated in Oracle E-Business and it is important to provide visibility to this information in the product development environment (PLM).The process integration for item balance update supports the update of quantity on hand and item availability

The item balance and availability information from Oracle E-Business Suite is updated in Agile PLM as part of the manufacturing update process for product information synchronization through a batch process. The term item applies to both parts and documents in Agile PLM.

The item balance information is stored in Oracle E-Business Suite in three attributes:

  • Reserved Quantity

  • Available Quantity

  • On-hand Quantity

These three attributes are not available in the delivered application of Agile PLM. To update the item balance information from these three attributes, flex-fields in Agile PLM are configured and mapped. This configuration information is entered in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

3.2 Item Balance Update Process Integration

The update of item balance information from Oracle E-Business Suite to Agile PLM is performed as a batch process.

The item balance update process includes:

  1. Item balance information (that is on hand quantity) is modified in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    This modification could be done in specific organizations or in a single Oracle E-Business Suite organization. You can designate, as a part of a configuration parameter, a single Oracle E-Business Suite organization from which all item attribute information is always retrieved. In such a case, it is not necessary to have Agile PLM multi-sites.

  2. The input for this process consists of a batch of item on hand quantity or balance information with their unique identifiers and values that need to be updated in Agile PLM.

  3. The batch process for publishing the changed information initiates at a specified frequency, which is configurable.


    While the update to information in Agile is normally driven through the scheduled batch processes, it is also possible to trigger the information update event from Oracle E-Business Suite through the Integrations Administrator and running the Publish Engineering Change Order Updates function.

  4. The process retrieves the last date and time where the item information update process completed successfully.

  5. The process retrieves the list of items whose on hand quantity has changed after the last successful run.

    In addition, it retrieves the list of mapped attribute values for these items. The data is retrieved from one or more organizations as per site-org mappings or from the configured single organization.

    Item balance information can exist in multiple organizations in Oracle E-Business Suite. Any change in any of the three types of attributes (reserve quantity, available quantity or on hand quantity) may take place in just one, or in a few, or in all organizations. Oracle E-Business Suite determines which organization corresponds (maps) to which flex-field in Agile PLM using the Domain Value Map (DVM) AGILE_TARGET_SITE_MAPPING.

In the case of a single site environment:

  • Sites are mapped to the Oracle E-Business organizations through a specified P2 attribute (example, P2.ebiz Org)

  • Item balance information is retrieved from the specified organization and updated in the mapped attributes in Agile

  • In case an item is mapped to multiple organizations, the values from the first Organization in the transformed XML file are picked up for update

In the case of multi-site environment:

  • The attribute to be updated is defined on the Site tab of the item in Agile PLM.

  • Based on the update of the item attribute value in an Organization, the change is reflected in the mapped attribute in the corresponding Site.

The process updates the information in Agile PLM.

If the complete update is processed successfully, the process updates the date and time of last successful run. If the update for an item fails, the system continues to process other items in the batch. A list of all errors encountered when processing the batch are accumulated and logged.

Figure 3-1 illustrates the integration sequence for item balance update from Oracle E-Business Suite to Agile PLM:

Figure 3-1 Integration sequence for item balance update

This image is described in surrounding text

3.2.1 Exceptions

The following exception conditions create error messages for this integration process:

  • Insufficient privilege to discover, read, add attachment to or update attributes on the Change object

  • Invalid field value (indicate the field for which the value is incorrect, and the value that is being passed on to the field)

  • Change object does not exist

  • Error when adding attachment

3.2.2 Item Balance Update Integration Services Orchestration

Figure 3-2 illustrates the item balance update integration services orchestration:

Figure 3-2 Item balance update integration services orchestration

This image is described in surrounding text

Table 3-1 lists the activities involved in the item balance update integration services orchestration:

Table 3-1 Activities in Item Balance Update integration services orchestration

Activity Remarks


Publish Item Balance Update concurrent program is initiated.

The Publish Item Balance Update concurrent program in Oracle E-Business Suite invokes synchronous proxy service UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS.


UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS synchronous proxy service invokes the asynchronous UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl.

An invoke activity in UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS invokes the initiate operation on UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl. It also sends the response back to the CP. If the invokation is successful, the Response status is sent as 'S' with message:- "Synchronization In Progress, please check the BPEL instance id" and the CP is completed. Otherwise, the Response status is sent as 'E' with message:- "Synchronization failed, please check the BPEL instance id" and the CP errors out


UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl invokes UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl.

An invoke activity in UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl invokes UpdateItemBalanceList operation on UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl with UpdateItemBalanceList EBM as input.


UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl invokes Agile PLM's Item Balance Web service.

UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl transforms UpdateItemBalanceListEBM to the AgileUpdateItemBalanceListABM message and invokes the UpdateItemList service operation on Agile PLM Web Service to update Item On-Hand Quantity information from Oracle to Agile PLM.

AgileUpdateItemBalanceListResponseABM is returned to the UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl service.

Note: The UpdateItemBalanceAgileProvABCSImpl composite uses the oracle/wss_http_token_client_policy client security policy while calling the ItemABS service hosted on the Agile server. The security credentials for this are stored in the csf-key AgileWebServicesKey on Fusion Middleware (FMW). The Agile username and password need to be setup correctly so that the Agile service is invoked successfully from the AIA composite in the FMW layer.


UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl sends the UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM to UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl.

UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl transforms AgileUpdateItemBalanceListResponseABM to UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM and returns it to UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl.

UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl sends the response to the concurrent program in Oracle E-Business Suite.

3.2.3 Defining Transaction Boundaries and Recovery Details

The process integration for Item balance update flow includes a list of services and three transaction boundaries. This flow includes the following services:

  • UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS

  • UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl

  • QueryItemBalanceListEbizAdapter

  • UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl

The following table describes the transactions, database operations involved and solutions in case of any errors.

Table 3-2 Transaction Boundaries and Recovery details

S.No Transaction DB Operations In Case of Error Recovery


The Publish Item Balance concurrent program in Oracle E-Business Suite invokes synchronous proxy service UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS.

UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS synchronous proxy service invokes the asynchronous UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl.



Publish Item Balance again


UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl invokes QueryItemBalanceListEbizAdapter.

UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl sends UpdateItemBalanceListEBM message as input to the UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl service.

UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl transforms UpdateItemBalanceListEBM to the AgileUpdateItemBalanceListABM message and invokes the UpdateItemList service operation on Agile PLM Web Service to update Item On-Hand Quantity information from Oracle to Agile PLM.

UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl transforms AgileUpdateItemBalanceListResponseABM to UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM and returns it to UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl.



Publish Item Attribute from Ebiz again for the same Item


UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl receives the response and sends it to the concurrent program in Oracle E-Business Suite.



Publish Item Balance again

For more information about rollback procedures, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring Oracle AIA Processes for Error Handling and Trace Logging", "Configuring Fault Policies to Not Issue Rollback Messages".

3.3 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

If item balance information must be retrieved from multiple organizations in Oracle E-Business Suite, the following constraints apply for an end-to-end process integration:

  1. Agile PLM multisites must be configured.

  2. A one-to-one mapping between the Agile PLM sites and Oracle E-Business Suite organizations exists.

    This is derived from the AGILE_TARGET_SITE_MAPPING DVM.

  3. The attributes to be updated with Oracle E-Business Suite data are on the Sites tab of the item if the Agile PLM multisites are configured.

    Alternatively, customers can designate, as a part of configuration parameters, a single Oracle E-Business Suite organization from which available quantity information is always retrieved. In such a case, you do not need to have Agile PLM multisites. Any Title Block or Page Two attribute can be updated with Oracle E-Business Suite data in such a case.

  4. All changes are interfaced to only one destination system.

  5. With the current release of Agile PLM, attributes are applied at the master data level.

    This means that an attribute cannot have different values across different part revisions.

  6. Only the item number is used to query the item to be updated and all updates are made to the latest released revision of the item.


    New item creation is not part of the scope for this activity. The assumption is that the item exists in both Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite, by means of a prior New Part Introduction or independent offline load processes.

3.4 Agile PLM Interfaces

Table 3-3 lists the Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files:

Table 3-3 Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files

Interface Description



Used to update an item balance information in Agile PLM

Table 3-4 lists the Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files:

Table 3-4 Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files

Interface Description




Contains the update item balance information request and response ABO and ABM

3.5 Oracle E-Business Suite Interfaces

Table 3-5 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files:

Table 3-5 Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files

Interface Description



This is a synchronous proxy service which will be invoked by the Ebiz Concurrent Program and will in turn invoke the asynchronous UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl service


Used for the OA adapter "INV_EBI_ITEM_PUB.GET_ITEM_BALANCE" pl/sql function call

Table 3-6 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files:

Table 3-6 Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files

Interface Description



This is a synchronous proxy service which will be invoked by the Ebiz Concurrent Program and will in turn invoke the asynchronous UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl service.


ABM for ItemBalanceABO


Created based on the input from the Concurrent Program to the BPEL process and output to the Concurrent Program from the BPEL process


The input and output ABM for the PL/SQL API call are defined in this XDS. The package used is INV_EBI_ITEM_PUB.GET_ITEM_BALANCE


Defines common ResponseType element

3.6 Core AIA Components

Table 3-7 lists the industry components for the process integration for item balance update:

Table 3-7 Industry Components for Item Balance Update

Component Name

Enterprise Business Object (EBO)


Enterprise Business Message (EBM)



Table 3-8 lists the core components locations:

Table 3-8 Core Component Locations

Component Name

EBO and EBM XSD files


$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

WSDL files

$AIA_HOME/apps/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary /Core/EBO/

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "How to Access Oracle AIA Content in Oracle Enterprise Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and will remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Understanding Extensibility."

3.6.1 Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM Components for Item Balance Update

Table 3-9 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM components:

Table 3-9 Oracle E-Business Suite and Agile PLM Components

Services Oracle E-Business Suite (Requester) Agile PLM (Provider)





Application Business Connector Service (ABCS)




Adapter service



Table 3-10 lists the core components locations:

Table 3-10 Core Component Locations

Component Location

Application Business Objects, ABM, and Common XSD files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Agile PLM/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

WSDL files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Agile PLM/V1/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


3.7 Integration Service

The integration services for the item balance update are:

  • UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS

  • UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl

  • UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl

3.7.1 UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS

This is a synchronous proxy service which will be invoked by the Ebiz Concurrent Program and will in turn invoke the asynchronous UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl service.

An invoke activity in UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCS invokes the initiate operation on UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl. It also sends the response back to the CP. If the invokation is successful, the Response status is sent as 'S' with message:- "Synchronization In Progress, please check the BPEL instance id" and the CP is completed. Otherwise, the Response status is sent as 'E' with message:- "Synchronization failed, please check the BPEL instance id" and the CP errors out.

3.7.2 UpdateItemBalanceListEbizReqABCSImpl

This service is called when a participating application needs to update multiple item balance attributes on their system such as on-hand quantity from Oracle E-Business Suite. This is a push from Oracle E-Business Suite to the other participating application through a batch process.

The process includes:

  • The requester ABCS, defined as a synchronous process, receives a list of item IDs from the Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent program.

    The list contains the IDs that have last_update_date greater than the last run date of the concurrent program.

  • The requester Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process filters the list of IDs to a list of IDs that are present in the cross-reference tables in the Fusion Middleware (FMW) layer.

    This provides a list of Items that are in the Agile PLM application. The original list of Item IDs can contain items that are from non-Agile PLM sources as well.

  • The BPEL process then makes an OA Adapter call out that calls the PL/SQL API, which provides the details of the sent item.

    This is an ItemBalance Application Business Message (ABM).

  • A transformation converts the ABM to an EBM.

  • An asynchronous request-delayed response call is made to the UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl with UpdateItemBalanceList EBM as input.

    This service is routed to the appropriate provider.

  • The BPEL instance is reactivated from dehydration store when the asynchronous call returns from the provider and provides the status of the transaction back to the caller concurrent program (because that is a synchronous call).

    It is a scheduled call and is invoked from the back end, not from the user interface (UI); hence, it does not affect performance.

  • · The concurrent program logs the status of this call.

3.7.3 UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl

UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl is used to facilitate the communication between Agile PLM Web service used for updating the item quantity information in a batch mode in Agile PLM.

The process includes:

  • The UpdateItemBalanceListAgileProvABCSImpl receives UpdateItemBalanceListReqMsg, which contains UpdateItemBalanceListEBM.

  • The transform operation is called to convert UpdateItemBalanceListEBM into AgileUpdateItemBalanceListABM.

  • AgileUpdateItemBalanceListABM is sent as input to the Web service operation UpdateItemList (Coarse Grained APIs in Agile PLM) to update items in Agile PLM.

  • AgileUpdateItemBalanceListResponseABM is received on the successful run of the Coarse Grained API.

  • The transform operation is called to convert AgileUpdateItemBalanceListResponseABM to UpdateItemBalanceListResponseEBM, which is returned as output of this BPEL process.

  • If the UpdateItems service operation fails on the Agile PLM side, a new fault is generated and is sent across with an appropriate error message.