3 Design to Release: Agile - EBS with Product MDM

This chapter discusses the co deployable group of pre-built integrations: Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Design to Release (Design to Release: Agile - EBS) and the Oracle Product Master Data Management set of pre-built integrations, namely Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Base Pack (Product MDM: Base), Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Siebel CRM (Product MDM:SBL CRM), Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Oracle E-Business Suite (Product MDM:EBS) and Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (Product MDM: Comms BRM).

This chapter includes the changes that must be done to enable co deployment.

This chapter includes the following sections:

The Design to Release: Agile - EBS integration supports the exchange of product information between Agile Product Lifecycle Management (Agile PLM) and Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS). In the Oracle Product Master Data Management (Product MDM) integration, product information is exchanged between Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM) and Oracle EBS. The Product MDM integration also supports the Oracle Product Hub (OPH) application in addition to Siebel CRM and Oracle EBS.

For more information, see the Oracle Application Integration Architecture Design to Release: Agile - EBS Implementation Guide and the Oracle Application Integration Architecture Product Master Data Management Integration Pack Implementation Guide

3.1 Product Sync Flows in Design to Release

The Design to Release: Agile - EBS integration enables and integrates the product development process between Design to Release: Agile and Oracle EBS. This integration supports different scenarios.

Change Order Release: During the product design phase, new products or parts are introduced, or existing parts may go through design changes. When the authoring of a part's attributes and design information is complete and is ready for publishing to the manufacturing system, it is released by Change Orders. The Change Order Release process consists of the New Part and Product Release (PREL) and the Product Design Modification flows of Design to Release: Agile - EBS. The release of a change order in the Design to Release: Agile - EBS integration system acts as a trigger for the synchronization of product design information with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. For all items pushed to the ERP system, the system verifies whether the items exist, and whether they have the same revision number as the old item from the Agile system. If the item did not exist in ERP and is being released for the first time from PLM, it is created in ERP. If the item exists in ERP and the two systems were coordinated concerning item revision, the existing item is updated with new attribute data from Agile.

3.2 Product Sync Flows in Product MDM

OPH is a single consolidated system for defining products (items), Bill of Materials (BOMs, or item structures), and more product related features.

The product MDM integration provides the following flows:

  • Synchronize Product Classes from the OPH to Siebel CRM

  • Synchronize Domain Values from the OPH to Siebel CRM

  • Synchronize Items and BOM from the OPH to Siebel CRM

  • Synchronize Items and BOM from the OPH to Oracle EBS

3.3 Best Practices for Flows

Agile Design to Release and Product MDM products are co-deployable on a single Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) instance. They are not functionally interoperable. The configuration steps, (see Section 3.4), ensure that both the pre-built integrations work independent of each other in a single Fusion Middleware instance.

3.4 Configuration Steps

The following configuration steps must be performed to make Agile Design to Release and Product MDM products co-deployable on a single Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) instance. There may be deployment sequence considerations.


Define all the references for itemEBSV2 and ItemResponseEBSV2 before using them in the routing rules.

To enable co-deployment:

Agile Design to Release and Product MDM products are co-deployable on a single Oracle AIA instance. They are not functionally interoperable.

  1. Modify the routing rules for ItemEBSV2 for SyncItemList operation as shown in Table 3-1 and then redeploy it in the Oracle AIA Fusion Middleware instance.

    ItemEBSV2 is located under AIA_HOME/pips/AgileToEbiz/EBS/Item/R12.

    Table 3-1 Routing Rules Configuration for ItemEBSV2

    Operation Filter Condition Type Service Invoked Description of Routing Rules


    contains($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:MessageProcessingInstruction/corecom:EnvironmentCode,'PRODUCTION') and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Sender/corecom:ID/text())) ='AGILE') or (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Target/corecom:ID/text()))='EBIZ')) and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Sender/corecom:ID/text())) !='EBIZ')


    SyncItemListEbizProvABCSImpl:: SyncItemList

    Default routing rule in Agile pre-built integration


    (aia:getServiceProperty('{http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseServices/Core/Item/V2}ItemEBSV2','Routing.ActiveRuleset',false())='DEFAULT' and count(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/ebo:DataArea)) > 0 and (normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:MessageProcessingInstruction/corecom:EnvironmentCode/text())='PRODUCTION' or not (normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:MessageProcessingInstruction/corecom:EnvironmentCode/text()))) and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Target/corecom:ID/text()))='SIEBEL') and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Sender/corecom:ID/text())) !='SIEBEL'))


    SyncProductSiebelProvABCSImpl:: SyncItem

    The routing rule in the Agile pre-built integration by default routes the messages to Oracle EBS. This new routing rule routes the messages to Siebel CRM used by Product MDM pre-built integration.


    (aia:getServiceProperty('ebsItemEBSV2','Routing.ActiveRuleset',false())='DEFAULT' and count(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/ebo:DataArea)) > 0 and(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:MessageProcessingInstruction/corecom:EnvironmentCode/text())='PRODUCTION' or not (normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:MessageProcessingInstruction/corecom:EnvironmentCode/text()))) and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Target/corecom:ID/text()))='BRM') and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListEBM/ebo:SyncItemListEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Sender/corecom:ID/text())) !='SIEBEL'))


    SyncItemListBRMProvABCSImpl:: SyncItemList

    The routing rule in the Agile pre-built integration by default routes the messages to Oracle EBS. This new routing rule routes the messages to Oracle BRM used by the Product MDM pre-built integration.


    Using the Oracle Billing and Revenue Management (Oracle BRM) application is optional in the Product MDM pre-built integration. Therefore, adding the routing rule for SyncItemListBRMProvABCSImpl must only be done when Oracle BRM is used as the edge application in the Product MDM pre-built integration.

  2. Modify the routing rules for ItemResponseEBSV2 for the SyncItemListResponse operation as shown in Table 3-2 and then redeploy it in the Oracle AIA Fusion Middleware instance.

    ItemResponseEBSV2 is located under AIA_HOME/pips/AgileToEbiz/EBS/Item/R12.

    Table 3-2 Routing Rules Configuration for ItemResponseEBSV2

    Operation Filter Condition Type Service Invoked Description of Routing Rules


    contains($in.SyncItemListResponseEBM/ebo:SyncItemListResponseEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:MessageProcessingInstruction/corecom:EnvironmentCode,'PRODUCTION') and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListResponseEBM/ebo:SyncItemListResponseEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Sender/corecom:ID/text()))='EBIZ') and ($in.SyncItemListResponseEBM/ebo:SyncItemListResponseEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Target/corecom:ApplicationTypeCode='AGILE')


    SyncItemListAgileReqABCSImpl:: receive

    Default routing rule in Agile pre-built integration


    contains($in.SyncItemListResponseEBM/ebo:SyncItemListResponseEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:MessageProcessingInstruction/corecom:EnvironmentCode,'PRODUCTION') and (aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListResponseEBM/ebo:SyncItemListResponseEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Sender/corecom:ID/text()))='EBIZ' or aia:getSystemType(normalize-space($in.SyncItemListResponseEBM/ebo:SyncItemListResponseEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Sender/corecom:ID/text()))='SIEBEL') and ($in.SyncItemListResponseEBM/ebo:SyncItemListResponseEBM/corecom:EBMHeader/corecom:Target/corecom:ApplicationTypeCode='PIM')


    SyncItemListPIMReqABCSImpl:: ReceiveSyncItemListResponse

    The routing rule in the Agile pre-built integration by default routes the messages to Agile. This new routing rule routes the messages to PIM used by Product MDM pre-built integration.

  3. Make sure that the application type for the Oracle EBS application is set as EBIZ_01 in the AIA console, as shown in Figure 3-1.

    This is required for running the Variant Management flow in Agile Design to Release pre-built integration. When the Agile Design to Release pre-built integration is installed on top of Product MDM, the application type remains as EBIZ and causes failures when performing the lookups on the Domain Value Maps (DVMs).

    Figure 3-1 AIA Console - Systems

    AIA Console - Systems tab
  4. Verify and correct the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file, as shown in Example 3-1.

    Installing Product MDM on top of the Agile Design to Release pre-built integration, may alter the properties listed in Example 3-1. Verify that all the properties listed here are in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.


    The values for the properties listed in Example 3-1 are user-specific and therefore may be altered.

    Example 3-1 AIAConfigurationProperties

    <ModuleConfiguration moduleName="Ebiz">
              <Property name="EBIZ_01.SERVER_TIMEZONE">-08:00</Property>
              <!-- Added these properties manually as these are missing in co deployment -->
             <Property name="FIXED_ORG_FOR_INBOUND_DATA_TRANSFER"/>
            <Property name="IS_PIM_INSTALLED">true</Property>
            <Property name="DEFAULT_MASTER_ORG"/>
            <Property name="USER">operations</Property>
            <Property name="RESPONSIBILITY">System Administrator</Property>
            <!-- The property EBIZ_01.SERVER_GMT_OFFSET will be deprecated in 2.5, 
                    and will be replaced with EBIZ_01.SERVER_TIMEZONE-->
            <Property name="EBIZ_01.SERVER_GMT_OFFSET">+00:00</Property>
    <!-- Please refer Ebiz profile SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID to configure this property, e.g. '-07:00' or 'GMT-07:00' or 'PST' -->
            <Property name="EBIZ_01.SERVER_TIMEZONE">GMT-08:00</Property>
            <Property name="EBIZ_01.LANG">ENG</Property>
    <Property name="PROJECTS_RESPONSIBILITY">Projects, Vision Services (USA)</Property>

    After modifying the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file, you must ensure that the changes are also reflected in Oracle Service-Oriented Architecture Metadata Services (Oracle SOA MDS) repository.