3 Process Integration for Location

This chapter provides an overview of the location process integration and discusses business process flows, assumptions and constraints, Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM) and Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) interfaces, core Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components, and integration services.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Overview

In Siebel CRM, the locations are created separately from an address or an account. In OTM these locations are required for execution of the order.

In this integration process Siebel sends locations to OTM. Whenever a location is created or updated in Siebel, a corresponding location record is created or updated in OTM. When an address, contact, or Bill To/Ship To details change in Siebel CRM, all impacted locations and roles are synchronized to reflect the changes in OTM.

3.2 Business Process Flows

The process integration for location supports these integration flows:

  • Creating Location

  • Updating Location

Figure 3-1 shows the process integration for location:

Figure 3-1 Process Integration for Location Flow

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Process Integration for Location Flow"

The location process integration flow diagram displays the design where Siebel CRM sends the location message to a queue. A JMS consumer reads the message, and sends it to the requester. The Siebel message is transformed to SyncTransportationStopListEBM in requester connector, and the requester connector sends the enterprise business message (EBM) message to Enterprise Business Service (EBS). The EBS routes the message to OTM provider. Then provider connector transforms the EBM to logistics schema and sends that logistics message to OTM web service to create location in OTM.

3.2.1 Synchronizing Location Information

Figure 3-2 shows the synchronization or location:

Figure 3-2 Synchronization or Location Sequence Diagram

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of "Figure 3-2 Synchronization or Location Sequence Diagram"

3.2.2 Overall Integration Flow

Addresses and contacts are created independently of a location. When you create a location, you associate addresses and contacts with that location. When you synchronize the location to OTM, it creates a new location, and the address information is attached with that location in OTM. OTM creates new contacts for each associated contact.

If you update any of the address or contact information in Siebel CRM, you must change all corresponding locations to reflect the changes. For example, when you change an address in Siebel CRM, it sends out an address message with a list of affected locations and accounts. Similarly, if you change a contact, it sends out a contact message with the list of affected locations and accounts. The system sends these messages to the Master Data Management (MDM) aggregator process.

The existing MDM process receives these messages, goes through the list of accounts, and prepares the account message. For these account messages, it calls the account integration flow. Since location is a new object, MDM cannot update the data for affected locations; to address this gap, it adds new services to the MDM aggregator process.

Figure 3-3 illustrates the new services added in the MDM Aggregator scheme. The new services are indicated in blue boxes.

Figure 3-3 MDM Aggregator Scheme - New Services

Description of Figure 3-3 follows
Description of "Figure 3-3 MDM Aggregator Scheme - New Services"

3.3 Assumptions and Constraints

These are the solution assumptions and constraints for the process integration for location:

  • This process integration does not support initial loading of existing location data.

  • This process integration does not support delete operations for the location, contacts, or roles on accounts.

  • You create contacts once in Siebel CRM and associate them to multiple locations. In OTM, the same contact cannot be associated to multiple locations. Thus, if you associate a contact to two different locations in Siebel CRM, then you must create the same contact in OTM for each location.

  • If an error occurs in the service layer and the location message does not reach the target application, then the AIA error handling framework notifies you. You should resubmit the failed transmission manually for reprocessing.

  • This process integration does not perform any business validation; thus, it does not raise errors for those business validation issues.

  • The location integration only supports the synchronization of locations.

  • OTM domain value is derived from business unit mapping. If you want to use some logic for deriving the domain, you must use the extensible transformation template.

  • The system populates the OTM-specific columns in cross-references based on the identifiers derived from main transformation to OTM. If you want to pass a different value in the OTM identifier, you must also use the extensibility of transformation to update the cross-reference.

  • The list of accounts for a location from Siebel is stored till enterprise business message (EBM). OTM provider does not use the data stored in EBM since OTM does not allow multiple accounts to be associated with a location.

  • To use the aggregator services with location flow, set aggregator service properties to true in the Oracle AIA configuration file (they are set to false by default).

  • To synchronize a location, parent account information is mandatory. The selected parent account data is assumed to be synchronized before location information is synchronized.

  • Siebel locations are not synchronized to Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS).

    This integration flows in only one direction, Siebel CRM to OTM. Any changes in OTM location or any new location created in OTM are not synchronized back to Siebel CRM.

3.4 Siebel CRM Interfaces

These three schemas are available for this integration from Siebel CRM:

  • Location schema

  • Change Address schema

  • Change Contact schema

For more information about Siebel CRM customer web services definition language (WSDL) and schema definition, see Oracle Customer Master Data Management Integration documentation

3.5 OTM Interfaces

OTM provides an interface through a web service to connect to its application. This connectivity is established as a partner link in the provider service. When called, the logistics web service immediately returns an acknowledgment with a transmission number. After processing is complete, it sends a transmission report back indicating the success or the failure of the process.

For more information about the Logistics Service, see Oracle Transportation Management Integration Guide

3.6 Core Application Integration Architecture Components

The integration flow uses these components:

  • TransportationStopEBO

  • SyncTransportationStopListEBM

The core enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message (EBM) XSD files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

The core enterprise business services (EBS) web services definition language (WSDL) files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in the Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Extensibility for AIA Artifacts.

3.7 Integration Services

These services are delivered with this integration:

  • SyncTransportationStopSiebelJMSConsumer

  • SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl

  • TransportationStopEBS

  • TransportationStopResponseEBS

  • SyncTransportationStopListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

  • SyncTransportationStopAddressSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer

  • SyncTransportationStopContactSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer

  • SyncTransportationStopAggregatorRoutingService

3.7.1 AIA Transportation Stop Queue

The transportation stop queue is used to queue Siebel location messages. This is an AQ. This queue resides on any Oracle database. For this integration, this queue is located on the AIA database. The topic name is AIA_SiebelTransportStopJMSQ.

3.7.2 SyncTransportationStopSiebelJMSConsumer

SyncTransportationStopSiebelJMSConsumer is the consumer for the JMS queue that is invoked when Siebel sends a location message to the AIA_SiebelTransportStopJMSQ queue. This service routes and invokes the SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl service.

3.7.3 SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl

SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl is a BPEL process that receives Siebel Location application business message (ABM) as input from the Siebel system and transforms that message to SyncTransportationStopListEBM. After successful transformation, the process performs mapping and also populates the enterprise business message (EBM) header and cross-reference tables. This BPEL process invokes TransportationStopEBS with SyncTransportationStopListEBM as input.

3.7.4 TransportationStopEBS

TransportationStopEBS is an Enterprise Business Service. This service is used to route all location related actions like CreateTransportationStopList, QueryTransportationStop, SyncTransportationStopList, and UpdateTransportationStopList, and so on.

3.7.5 TransportationStopResponseEBS

TransportationStopResponseEBS is an Enterprise Business Service. This service is used to route all location related actions like CreateTransportationStopListResponse, QueryTransportationStopResponse, SyncTransportationStopListResponse and UpdateTransportationStopListResponse, and so on.

3.7.6 SyncTransportationStopListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

SyncTransportationStopListLogisticsProvABCSImpl is a BPEL process that receives the SyncTransportationStopListEBM as a request from the TransportationStopEBS and invokes the logistics web service. The web service immediately sends an acknowledgment and sends a transmission report about the success or failure of the data sent to Oracle Transportation Management (OTM). After the location is successfully processed in OTM, this process updates cross-reference data with OTM information.

3.7.7 SyncTransportationStopAddressSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer

SyncTransportationStopAddressSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer is a BPEL process. It receives Siebel Address application business message (ABM) as an input from the SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator, returns a Siebel location ABM message, and invokes the SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl service.

3.7.8 SyncTransportationStopContactSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer

SyncTransportationStopContactSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer is a BPEL process. It receives Siebel contact ABM as input from the account aggregator service SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator and transformed to Siebel location ABM and invokes the SyncTransportationStopListSiebelReqABCSImpl service.

3.7.9 SyncTransportationStopAggregatorRoutingService

This is a mediator service that routes the ABM message received from SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator to SyncTransportationStopAddressSiebelAggregatorAdapterConsumer or SyncTransportationStopContactSiebelAggregatorAdapterCons.