25 Configuring the Process Integration for Order Lifecycle Management

This chapter discusses how to configure the process integration for order lifecycle management (OLM) for the Oracle Communications Order to Cash for Siebel customer relationship management (Siebel CRM), Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM), and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Pre-Built Integration option (the integration). Configuration includes:

  • Configuring BRM and Siebel CRM to integrate with Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA)

  • Working with domain value maps (DVMs) and cross-references

  • Handling error notifications

  • Setting Oracle AIA configuration properties

Configuring BRM for Integrated Order Lifecycle Management

To configure BRM for integrated OLM, verify that you have deployed and configured the BRM JCA adapter as described in Oracle AIA Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations.

See BRM JCA Resource Adapter for more information about the BRM JCA adapter.

Configuring Siebel CRM for Integrated Order Lifecycle Management

To configure Siebel CRM to integrate with AIA for communications:

  1. Install ACR 474. See Siebel Maintenance Release Guide.

  2. Set the UTCCanonical process property to Y for certain Siebel CRM interfaces. The instructions for ACR 474 and ACR 508 in Siebel Maintenance Release Guide explain which Siebel CRM interfaces you must set the UTCCanonical process property for.

  3. Perform the following Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) configurations:

    • For the order flow, configure the SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService Siebel CRM outbound workflow to enqueue the Siebel CRM messages in the AIA_SALESORDERJMSQUEUE queue.

      For this service, in Siebel, you must set the process property UTCCanonical to Y.

    • For updating the order information from your central fulfillment system to Siebel CRM, enable the SWIOrderUpsert Siebel CRM inbound Web service.

      For this service, in Siebel CRM, you must set the process property UTCCanonical to Y.

    • For the Special Rating List Sync Flow, configure the SWISpecialRatingList Siebel CRM outbound workflow to enqueue the Siebel CRM messages in the AIA_SPECIALRATINGJMSQ queue.

See Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications, for more information about Web services.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about the corresponding AIA-side configuration.

Working with Domain Value Maps for Order Lifecycle Management

DVMs are a standard feature of the Oracle SOA Suite and enable you to equate lookup codes and other static values across applications, for example, FOOT and FT or US and USA.

DVMs are static in nature, though administrators can add maps as required. Transactional business processes never update DVMs, they only read from them. They are stored in XML files and cached in memory at run time.

DVM types are seeded for the order management flows, and administrators can extend the list of mapped values by adding more maps.


The DVM names in the following table have an underscore. If you open the file in FTP mode, the underscore is replaced with 95.

Table 25-1 lists the DVMs for the process integration for OLM.

Table 25-1 Order Lifecycle Management DVMs

DVM Description


Dynamic Pricing Indicator


Fulfillment Composition Type Code


Fulfillment Mode Code


Line Fulfillment Mode Code


Network Indicator


Partial Fulfillment Mode Indicator


Order Priority


Processing Type Code


Product/Item Type Code


Revision Permissible Code


Service Indicator


Start Billing Service Usage




Type Code






Country Code


Account Type Code


Billing Type Code. Examples values include Subscription, Discount, Item, Special Rating, and Sponsorship.


Order Changed Indicator. Values are True or False. Used to validate the OrderChangedIndicator attribute. For example, The order management system can set this attribute to True if, as part of fulfillment, the order changes significantly such that Siebel CRM must make a copy of the customer order to preserve the customer intent before updating the working version of the order.


Sales Order Line Action Code


Revision Permissible Code


Order Line Status


Discount Method Code


Currency Code


Price Type


Maps price list Row IDs from Siebel CRM to logical common price list names for BRM and Oracle Product Hub. Used to communicate price lists from order lines for products synchronized from BRM using a rate plan selector. See "Working with the PRICELIST DVM" for details.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about working with DVMs.

Working with the PRICELIST DVM

You must update the PRICELIST DVM before submitting any orders so that the integration can map Siebel CRM price lists to BRM rate plans. You can migrate the PRICELIST DVM information between environments.

Updating the PRICELIST DVM

To update the PRICELIST DVM:

  1. Log in to Oracle SOA Composer and open PRICELIST.dvm.

    For information about using Oracle SOA Composer with DVMs, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

  2. Replace the placeholder domain values for the first row in PRICELIST.dvm as follows:

    • For SEBL_01, enter the Siebel CRM price list row ID for one of the price lists you created in Siebel CRM before synchronizing the products to BRM. You can find price list row IDs using a query in Siebel CRM.

    • For COMMON and BRM_01, enter the logical name of the price list that corresponds to the Siebel CRM price list.

  3. Add and fill in new rows for all additional price lists that you created in Siebel CRM with the exception of the default price list that you entered into the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file in "Configuring Siebel CRM for Integrated Product Lifecycle Management".

  4. Save and commit the changes.

Migrating PRICELIST DVM Between Environments

To migrate the PRICELIST DVM between environments:

  1. In the source environment, in Siebel CRM, open the S_PR_LST table.

  2. Search in the ROW_ID column for the price list row IDs listed in the SEBL_01 column in PRICELIST.dvm.

  3. Copy the values in the NAME, SUBTYPE_CD, and BU_ID columns for each row ID to a text editor and close the table.

  4. In the target environment, in Siebel CRM, open the S_PR_LST table.

  5. Search the ROW_ID column for the price list row IDs listed in the source environment's S_PR_LST table and PRICELIST.dvm.

  6. Enter the values copied to the text editor in the NAME, SUBTYPE_CD, and BU_ID columns.

  7. Using Oracle SOA Composer, open PRICELIST.dvm.

  8. In the SEBL_01 column, add the row IDs copied to the text editor. Fill out the COMMON and BRM_01 columns as described in "Updating the PRICELIST DVM".

  9. Save and commit the changes in both files.

Working with Cross-References for Order Lifecycle Management

Cross-references map and connect the records within the application network, and they enable these applications to communicate in the same language. The integration server stores the relationship in a persistent way so that others can refer to it.

Table 25-2 lists the OLM cross-references.

Table 25-2 Order Lifecycle Management Cross-References

Cross-Reference Table Name COMMON Value SEBL_01 Value BRM_01 Value Description





The Siebel CRM Sales Order ID is cross-referenced.





The OrderItem/OrderId from Siebel CRM is mapped to the SalesOrderLine Identification in the EBM




Product, service, or discount OBJ, or sharing group POID

The Siebel CRM Asset Integration ID is mapped to the product/service/discount OBJ or sharing group POID of the BRM object.




Product or discount POID

The Siebel CRM Product ID is mapped to the product/discount POID of the BRM object.




Account POID

The Siebel CRM Customer ID is mapped to the BRM Account POID




Contact POID

The Siebel CRM Contact ID is mapped to the BRM Contact POID


(Populated only when service-level balance groups are enabled)




Balance group POID

The balance group POID for each service bundle or simple service bundle is mapped to the InstalledProductIdentification for the product and to the Siebel CRM AssetIntegrationID sent on the order line.

For nested service bundles, the integration populates only the values for the parent service bundle.

To track the parent of a nested service bundle, the integration populates the BalanceBundleIdentification field in the order EBM with the common InstalledProductIdentification value of the parent service bundle.


(Entry for default account-level balance group)



Balance group POID

The default balance group POID is mapped to the common ID of the account.




/payinfo POID

The billing profile ID from Siebel CRM is mapped to the pay info POID from BRM.




/billinfo POID

The billing profile ID from Siebel CRM is mapped to the bill info POID from BRM.




Address POID

The Siebel CRM Address ID is mapped to the BRM Contact POID.


The common ID of a promotion group (Populated from INSTALLEDPRODUCT_ID) combined with the common ID of a BRM bundled promotion POID.

Promotion group RowId

BRM bundled promotion POID

The Siebel CRM RowId for a promotion group is mapped to the POID of a bundled promotion (but not the components of the bundled promotion).

The integration uses this XREF to determine if a bundled promotion is associated with a promotion group membership.

A bundled promotion can be associated with multiple promotion group memberships. In this case, the BRM value is included only for the first promotion group membership.

A promotion group membership can be associated with multiple bundled promotions. In this case, the BRM value is included for each bundled promotion.


Bundled promotion common ID

Bundled promotion RowId

POID of the discount sharing group

The Siebel CRM RowId for a bundled promotion that includes a discount with the Community Offer attribute enabled is mapped to the POID of the corresponding discount sharing group.


Common ID of the owner billing profile


POID of the owner /billinfo

The common ID of the billing profile for the owner account on the sales order is mapped to the corresponding /billinfo POID.

When creating new collections sharing groups, the integration checks if the owner account's /billinfo POID already exists in this table. If so, the member is added to the existing group.


Common ID of the member billing profile


POID of the member /billinfo

The common ID of the billing profile for the member account on the sales order is mapped to the corresponding /billinfo POID.

Handling Error Notifications for Order Lifecycle Management

Based on the roles defined for the services, email notifications are sent if a service ends due to an error.

Order Fallout Management can generate trouble tickets for failed orders.

See "Understanding the Process Integration for Order Fallout Management" for more information about order fallout.

Table 25-3 lists the error messages that are issued when order billing integration is called in billing initiation mode.

Table 25-3 Error Messages for Order Lifecycle Management

Error Code Error Text Description


Date Validation Failed: Either a Purchase Date/Cycle Start Date/ Usage Start Date should be set to the future.

In Billing Initiation mode, the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMComms AddSubProcess ends in an error when at least one billing date (purchase, cycle start, usage start date) is not set to the future for lines with products of type Subscription or Discount.


Date Validation Failed: Purchase Date should be set to the future.

In Billing Initiation mode, the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMComms AddSubProcess ends in an error when the purchase date is not set to the future for lines with products of type Item.


Purchased promotion instance does not exist for a promotion that was previously purchased. A data upgrade script was not run.

ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsProvABCSImpl ends in an error if a change order is processed for data that was created using AIA for Communications 2.0/2.0.1 and the custom upgrade script was not run to create the necessary cross-reference and purchased promotion instances in BRM.


Promotion referenced on Sales Order &OrderNum, Line &LineNum for &Product has not been interfaced to billing. The promotion must be interfaced to billing, before interfacing the order line that references it.

ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsProvABCSImpl ends in an error if service bundle/account-level product with promotion reference is sent to billing before the corresponding promotion line.

For more information about the errors caused by Siebel CRM or BRM, see the Siebel CRM and BRM documentation.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about AIA error handling.

Describing Delivered Error Notification Roles and Users

The following roles and users are delivered as default values for issuing error notifications for the process integration for customer management.

Actor roles and users:

  • Role: AIAIntegrationAdmin

  • User: AIAIntegrationAdminUser

    The default password set for all users is welcome1.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about AIA error handling.

Configuring the Process Integration for Order Lifecycle Management

This section provides instructions for setting the AIA configuration properties and setting the BRM version number for backward compatibility.

Setting AIA Configuration Properties

Configure the properties described in this section in the AIA_HOME/aia_instances/INSTANCE_NAME/AIAMetaData/config/AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about working with AIAConfigurationProperties.xml.


Entries in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file are case sensitive

Table 25-4 shows the properties for the UpdateSalesOrderSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

Table 25-4 UpdateSalesOrderSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



URL for Siebel CRM Instance web service for "Order spcLine spcItem spcUpdate spc- _spcComplex" web service.


true/false. Default = false.

Controls whether UpdateSalesOrderSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl routes messages to the CAVS or to the Siebel CRM system.


Target Endpoint URL for the Siebel CRM upsert web service.


http://${siebel.http.host}:${siebel.http.port}/eai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&WSSOAP=1Status OpenFixedClosed

Target Endpoint URL for the Siebel CRM upsert web service.


true/false. Default = false.

Whether there is any extension in the ABCS before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false.

Indicates whether there is any extension in the ABCS before invoking application business service.

Table 25-5 shows the properties for the ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl service.

Table 25-5 ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description


Possible value: A Siebel CRM system instance code.

Default value: SEBL_01

Default Siebel CRM system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used only if the Siebel CRM Order message does not contain the EnterpriseServerName.


Possible values: true or false

Default value: false

Indicates whether there is any extension in the ABCS before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

Indicates whether there is any extension in the ABCS after transformation of EBM to ABM.


Possible values: true or false

Default value: false

Indicates whether there is any extension in the ABCS before invoking application business service.


Possible values: true or false

Default value: false

Indicates whether there is any extension in the ABCS after invoking application business service.


Possible value: address of web service that must be invoked.

Default value: http://<soa_server>:<soa port>/soa-infra/services/default/ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer/client

This property is used to dynamically invoke any web service from this service. This holds the address of the web service that must be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS/EBS or any other web service this property must be updated accordingly.


Possible value: PortType of the web service that must be invoked.

Default value: ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer

This value should be in consistent with EBSOverride.CommunicationsSalesOrderEBSV2.ProcessSalesOrderFulfillment.Address.


Possible value: ServiceName of the web service that must be invoked.

Default value: http://xmlns.oracle.com/ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer}ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer

This value should be in consistent with EBSOverride.CommunicationsSalesOrderEBSV2.ProcessSalesOrderFulfillment.Address.


Possible values: true or false

Default value: false

Indicates whether ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl uses the Process Large Order sub-flow to split large orders and decrease the time it takes to transform ABMs for large orders.


Possible values: any positive integer

Default value: 1000

When handleLargeOrderEnabled is set to true, and an order has a number of order lines greater than or equal to the value of this property, ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl uses the Process Large Order sub-flow.


Possible values: any positive integer

Default value: 150

When using the Process Large Order sub-flow, ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl splits the sales order ABM into mini ABMs with a number of order lines equal to the value of this property.

Note: Because ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl keeps order lines that are part of the same promotions in the same mini ABM, the number of order lines in a mini ABM may sometimes exceed the value of this property.

Table 25-6 shows the properties for the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsAddSubProcess service.

Table 25-6 ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsAddSubProcess Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default target billing system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used only if the request message does not contain the target information.



This property is used for future date validation in Billing Initiation. It is set to a default value of 8640 hours (360 days).

This property is billing-instance-specific and must be set for any instance that the order must be sent for billing integration.

See "Using Single-Phase Billing or Two-Phase Billing" for more information on how this property is used.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_CUST_MODIFY_CUSTOMER.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_CUST_MODIFY_CUSTOMER.

Table 25-7 shows the properties for the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsDeleteSubProcess service.

Table 25-7 ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsDeleteSubProcess Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default target billing system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used only if the request message does not contain the target information.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_ DISCOUNT.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_ DISCOUNT.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_ PRODUCT.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_ PRODUCT.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_SET_STATUS.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_SET_STATUS.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_ PURCHASE_DEAL.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_ PURCHASE_DEAL.

Table 25-8 shows the properties for the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsMoveAddSubProcess service.

Table 25-8 ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsMoveAddSubProcess Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default target billing system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used only if the request message does not contain the target information.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after transformation of EBM to ABM


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL.

Table 25-9 shows the properties for the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsProvABCSImpl service.

Table 25-9 ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsProvABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default target billing system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used only if the request message does not contain the target information.


true/false. Default = false

CAVS simulator to be enabled or disabled for this partner link.


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM

End point for BRM Adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM2

End point for BRM Adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM3

End point for BRM Adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


true/false. Default = false

CAVS simulator to be enabled or disabled for this partner link.


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM

End point for BRM Adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM2

End point for BRM Adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM3

End point for BRM Adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


true/false. Default = false

CAVS simulator to be enabled or disabled for this partner link.


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM

End point for BRM adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM2

End point for BRM adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM3

End point for BRM adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


true/false. Default = false

CAVS simulator to be enabled or disabled for this partner link.


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM

End point for BRM adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


true/false. Default = false

CAVS simulator to be enabled or disabled for this partner link.


End point for BRM Adapter. Example: eis/BRM

End point for BRM adapter. Example: Update with CAVS endpoint URL to route to CAVS along with changing the above property to "true"


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_CREATE_PROFILE.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_CREATE_PROFILE.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_MODIFY_PROFILE.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_MODIFY_PROFILE.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_DELETE_PROFILE.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_OP_CUST_DELETE_PROFILE.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_BUNDLEABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_BUNDLEABM.


Address of the web service that must be invoked.

Example (Default):


This property is used to dynamically invoke any web service from this service. This holds the Address of the web service that must be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS/EBS or any other web service this property must be updated accordingly.


PortType of the web service that must be invoked.

Example (Default): ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingResponseOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer

This property is used to dynamically invoke any web service from this service. This holds the PortType of the web service that must be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS/EBS or any other web service this property must be updated accordingly.


ServiceName of the web service that must be invoked.

Example (Default): {http://xmlns.oracle.com/ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingResponseOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer}ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingResponseOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer

This property is used to dynamically invoke any web service from this service. This holds the ServiceName of the web service that must be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS/EBS or any other web service this property must be updated accordingly.

ABCSExtensionTable 25-10 shows the properties for the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsSuspendResumeSubProcess service.

Table 25-10 ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsSuspendResumeSubProcess Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default target billing system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used if the request message does not contain the target information.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_CUST_SET_STATUS for resume scenario.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_CUST_SET_STATUS for resume scenario.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_CUST_SET_STATUS for suspend scenario.

ABCSExtension.PostProcessSuspendPCM_OP_CUST_SET_ STATUSABM

true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_CUST_SET_STATUS for suspend scenario.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL for resume scenario.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL for resume scenario.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL for suspend scenario.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL for suspend scenario.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_DISCOUNT_ STATUS.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_DISCOUNT_ STATUS.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_PRODUCT_ STATUS.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after calling BRM opcode PCM_ OP_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_PRODUCT_ STATUS.

Table 25-11 shows the properties for the ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsUpdateSubProcess service.

Table 25-11 ProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingBRMCommsUpdateSubProcess Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default target billing system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used if the request message does not contain the target information.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after transformation of EBM to ABM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making the first BRM opcode call PCM_OP_SEARCH


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after making the first BRM opcode call PCM_OP_SEARCH.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making the second BRM opcode call PCM_OP_SEARCH.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after making the second BRM opcode call PCM_OP_SEARCH.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making the first BRM opcode call PCM_OP_CUST_MODIFY_ CUSTOMER.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after making the first BRM opcode call PCM_OP_CUST_MODIFY_ CUSTOMER.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making the second BRM opcode call PCM_OP_CUST_MODIFY_ CUSTOMER.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after making the second BRM opcode call PCM_OP_CUST_MODIFY_ CUSTOMER.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making the BRM opcode call PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_ TRANSFER_SUBSCRIPTION.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after making the BRM opcode call PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_ TRANSFER_SUBSCRIPTION.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making the BRM opcode call PCM_OP_CUST_UPDATE_SERVICE.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension after making the BRM opcode call PCM_OP_CUST_UPDATE_SERVICE.

Table 25-12 shows the properties for the ProcessInstalledProductSpecialRatingSetListSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl service.

Table 25-12 ProcessInstalledProductSpecialRatingSetListSiebelCommsReqABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default Siebel CRM system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used only if the Siebel CRM ABM does not contain the EnterpriseServerName, for example, SEBL_01.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transforming ABM to EBM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making call to EBS.


PortType of the web service that must be invoked.

Example (Default): ProcessInstalledProductSpecialRatingSetListBRMCommsProvABCSImplService

This property is used to dynamically invoke any web service from this service. This holds the PortType of the web service that must be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS/EBS or any other web service this property must be updated accordingly.


ServiceName of the web service that must be invoked.

Example (Default): {http://xmlns.oracle.com/ABCSImpl/BRM/Industry/Comms/ProcessInstalledProductSpecialRatingSetListBRMCommsProvABCSImpl/V1}ProcessInstalledProductSpecialRatingSetListBRMCommsProvABCSImplService

This property is used to dynamically invoke any web service from this service. This holds the ServiceName of the web service that must be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS/EBS or any other web service this property must be updated accordingly.


Address of the web service that must be invoked.

Example (Default):


This property is used to dynamically invoke any web service from this service. This holds the Address of the web service that must be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS/EBS or any other web service this property must be updated accordingly.

Table 25-13 shows the properties for the ProcessInstalledProductSpecialRatingSetListBRMCommsProvABCSImpl service.

Table 25-13 ProcessInstalledProductSpecialRatingSetListBRMCommsProvABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description



Default target billing system instance code (defined in BSR). This is used only if the request message does not contain the target information.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before transforming ABM to EBM.


true/false. Default = false

To indicate whether the ABCS has any extension before making call to ABS.


true/false. Default = false

CAVS simulator to be enabled or disabled for this partner link.


End point for BRM adapter. For example, eis/BRM

End point for BRM adapter. To Invoke CAVS update the above property to "true" and this property with corresponding CAVS URL

Setting the BRM Version Number for Backward Price List Compatibility

When sending order data to BRM, Oracle AIA checks the BRM version number in the Oracle AIA system configuration property. By default, the installation process for the integration sets the BRM version number to 7.5. Oracle AIA sends order line price list information to BRM versions 7.5 and later. For earlier versions of BRM, Oracle AIA does not send the order line price list information.

To support the behavior for earlier versions of BRM, you must change the version number in the AIA system configuration property.

To change the BRM version number:

  1. Browse to your AIA Home Page. For example:

  2. In the Setup area, click Go.

  3. Select the Systems tab.

  4. In the Version column of the BRM row, enter your BRM version number.

  5. Save your changes.