26 Configuring the Process Integration for Customer Management

This chapter discusses how to configure the process integration for customer management (CM) for the Oracle Communications Order to Cash for Siebel customer relationship management (Siebel CRM), Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM), and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Pre-Built Integration option (the integration). Configuration includes:

  • Configuring BRM and Siebel CRM to integrate with Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA)

  • Working with domain value maps (DVMs) and cross-references

  • Handling error notifications

  • Setting Oracle AIA configuration properties

Configuring BRM for Integrated Customer Management

To configure BRM for CM:

  1. Add the following phone number validation format to BRM using the Field Validation Editor:


    This format allows nonformatted phone numbers coming from Siebel CRM in BRM.

    See Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Concepts and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Managing Customers for more information about validating phone number formats for integration.

  2. Verify that you have configured and deployed the BRM JCA adapter as described in Oracle Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations.

    See Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management JCA Resource Adapter Guide for more information about deploying and configuring the JCA Resource Adapter.

Configuring Siebel CRM for Integrated Customer Management

To configure Siebel CRM for CM:

  1. Install ACR 474. See Siebel Maintenance Release Guide for information on how to install ACR 474.

  2. Set the UTCCanonical process property to Y for certain Siebel CRM interfaces. The instructions for ACR 474 and ACR 508 in Siebel Maintenance Release Guide explain which Siebel CRM interfaces you must set the UTCCanonical process property for.

Working with Domain Value Maps for Customer Management

DVMs are a standard feature of the Oracle SOA Suite that enable you to equate lookup codes and other static values across applications, for example, FOOT and FT or US and USA.

DVMs are static in nature, though administrators can add maps as required. Transactional business processes never update DVMs-they only read from them. They are stored in XML files and cached in memory at run time.

DVM types are seeded for the customer management flows, and administrators can extend the list of mapped values by adding more maps.

Table 26-1 lists the DVMs for the process integration for customer management.

Table 26-1 Customer Management DVMs

DVM Columns Description



Used to get the type of the account, such as Business or Residential.



Province name.



State name.



Country codes.



State codes.



Salutation (such Mr., Mrs.). In BRM, Salutation is not a language-independent code. If BRM requires salutations in a language other than English, then you must update the DVM with the appropriate BRM values.



Currency codes.



Bill type (summary and detailed).



Billing frequency (monthly, yearly, quarterly, and so on.)



Bank account type (checking, savings, and so on).



Credit Card type (Visa, Mastercard, and so on.)



Bill media/delivery preference (Email or Mail).



Payment profile payment method types (credit card, direct debit, and invoice/bill me.)



Payment term codes.



Account status codes.



Phone number type codes (home, work, mobile, fax, and so on.)

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about working with DVMs.

Working with Cross-References for Customer Management

Cross-references map and connect the records within the application network, and they enable these applications to communicate in the same language. The integration server stores the relationship in a persistent way so that others can refer to it.

Table 26-2 lists the customer management cross-references.

Table 26-2 Customer Management Cross-References

Cross-Reference Table Name Column Name and ValueCOMMON Column Name and ValueSEBL_01 Column Name and ValueBRM_01 Description


Account ID

Account ID

Account POID

Siebel Account ID is mapped one-to-one to the BRM Account ID.


Bill Profile ID

Bill Profile ID

bill-info POID

Siebel Bill Profile ID is mapped one-to-one to the BRM bill-info ID.


Payment Profile ID

Bill Profile ID

Pay-info POID

Siebel Bill Profile ID is mapped one-to-one to the BRM pay-info ID.


Address ID

Address ID

Account POID pay-info POID*

BRM Account ID is cross-referenced here if the address is used as the billing address (name-info[1]) on that account. BRM pay-info ID is cross-referenced if the address is used as the pay-info address on an account. The ACCOUNT and PAYINFO codes are prefixed to each ID to indicate the type of the ID.


Contact ID

Contact ID

Account POID pay-info POID*

BRM Account ID is cross-referenced if the contact is used as the name (name-info[1]) on that account. BRM pay-info ID is cross-referenced if the contact is used as the name on the pay-info on an account.

The ACCOUNT and PAYINFO codes are prefixed to each ID to indicate the type of the ID.


Account ID*


Balance Group POID

This cross-reference maps the default balance group to the common account ID. This is populated after account creation in the CreateCustomerPartyProviderABCSimpl service, and is referenced by the order flow during service creation.





Customer Party IDs





Customer Party Location IDs





Customer Party contact IDs.

BRM account ID is cross-referenced here if the contact is used as the name (name-info[1]) on that account. BRM pay-info ID is cross-referenced here if the contact is used as the name on the pay-info on an account.

The ACCOUNT and PAYINFO codes are prefixed to each ID to indicate what type of ID it is.





Customer Party Location Reference IDs.





Customer Party Account's Phone contact points.





Customer Party Account's Fax contact points.





Customer Party Account's Email/Web contact points.





Customer Party Contact's Phone contact points.





Customer Party Contact's Fax contact points.





Customer Party Contact's Email/Web contact points.

Handling Error Notifications

Based on the roles defined for the services, email notifications are sent if a service ends due to an error. Table 26-3 lists the errors that are caused by the process integration for customer management services.

Table 26-3 Errors Caused by Customer Management Services

Service Name Error Code Possible Cause



Subordinate account cannot have multiple parent accounts.



Ambiguous subordinate bill profile update: Multiple distinct Pay-From-Party billing profile references are associated with a single Prior Pay-From-Party billing profile reference.



None of the existing subordinate bill profiles are included in the move account request.



EBMHeader/Sender/ID is required.



EBMHeader/Target/ID is required.



Account sequence error: Pay-From accounts and billing profiles must appear before dependent and subordinate accounts and billing profiles.

Describing Delivered Error Notification Roles and Users

The following roles and users are delivered as default values for issuing error notifications for the process integration for customer management.

Actor roles and users:

  • Role: AIAIntegrationAdmin

  • User: AIAIntegrationAdminUser

    The default password set for all users is welcome1.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about setting up error notifications using these values.

Order Fallout Management

When an order is submitted from Siebel CRM, the order may fail while customer-related information is being interfaced to BRM. In that case, a trouble ticket is generated by the Order Fallout flow. The trouble ticket generated is displayed in Siebel CRM. This helps the customer service representative (CSR) in getting notified about any error while processing the order without checking the instances in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) Console.

Whenever an error occurs during customer synchronization, it is propagated to the CommsProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingAccountListEBF. This enterprise business flow (EBF) generates an error notification in the error topic (similar to any other Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) process). From the error topic, the order fallout flow is triggered only for the CommsProcessFulfillmentOrderBillingAccountListEBF (among all the processes in customer management process integration), thereby generating one trouble ticket for any error.

See "Understanding the Process Integration for Order Fallout Management" for more information about order fallout.

Configuring the Process Integration for Customer Management

Configure the properties described in this section in the AIA_HOME/aia_instances/INSTANCE_NAME/AIAMetaData/config/AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about working with AIAConfigurationProperties.xml.


Entries in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file are case sensitive

Table 26-4 shows the system-level properties for the process integration for customer management.

Table 26-4 Customer Management System-level Properties

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



This property determines whether the integration creates collections sharing groups in BRM.

If the property is set to TRUE, the integration creates collections sharing groups when the owner account and billing account on an order line are different.

If the property is set to FALSE, the integration ignores the owner account and does not create collections sharing groups.

Table 26-5 shows the properties for the ProcessAccountHierarchyListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

Table 26-5 ProcessAccountHierarchyListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



This property determines for which account type the integration synchronizes the Siebel CRM account hierarchy.

To disable the synchronization of account hierarchies, do not provide a value.

Table 26-6 shows the properties for the SyncCustomerPartyListBRMCommsProvABCSImpl service.

Table 26-6 SyncCustomerPartyListBRMCommsProvABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Value Description


true/false. Default = false

This property when set to True, updates the status (active/inactive) of the account from Siebel CRM to BRM.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the application business connector service (ABCS) Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in Oracle AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. This property is required for extensibility. The name of the property clearly suggests which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined along AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. This property is required for extensibility. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. This property is required for extensibility. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined along AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. This property is required for extensibility. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.



PortType of the webservice that must be invoked dynamically. This value should be consistent with the Address property.



ServiceName of the webservice that must be invoked dynamically. This value should be in consistent with the Address property.



This property is used to dynamically invoke any webservice from this service. This holds the address.endpoint URI of the webservice that needs to be invoked dynamically. To invoke CAVS or any other provider ABCS/EBF, this property must be updated accordingly.


Account Level Balance Group

This property is used to name the default balance group created in BRM when an account is created.



This property specifies the default target system ID to be populated in the enterprise business message (EBM) Header in case the value is not coming from the Requestor.



This property specifies the Connection factory to connect to the BRM Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) adapter for the first instance of the BRM in case of multiple BRM instances.

See "Configuring Multiple BRM Instances for Communications Integrations" for more information about multiple BRM systems.


true/false. Default = false

This property specifies whether the end point should route to Composite Application Validation System (CAVS).



This property specifies the Connection factory to connect to the BRM JCA adapter for the first instance of BRM in case of multiple BRM instances.

See "Configuring Multiple BRM Instances for Communications Integrations" for more information about multiple BRM systems.


true/false. Default = false

This property specifies whether the CAVS service must be invoked.



This property specifies the Connection factory to connect to the BRM JCA adapter for the first instance of the BRM in case of multiple BRM instances for the CUSTCare opcode of BRM.

See "Configuring Multiple BRM Instances for Communications Integrations" for more information about multiple BRM systems.


true/false. Default = false

This property specifies whether to route to CAVS Service.



This property specifies the Connection factory to connect to the BRM JCA adapter for the first instance of the BRM in case of multiple BRM instances for the BillService opcode.

See "Configuring Multiple BRM Instances for Communications Integrations" for more information about multiple BRM systems.


true/false. Default = false

This property specifies whether to Route to CAVS service.



This property specifies the Connection factory to connect to the BRM JCA adapter for the first instance of the BRM in case of multiple BRM instances for the BRMBASEService.

See "Configuring Multiple BRM Instances for Communications Integrations" for more information about multiple BRM systems.


true/false. Default = false

This property specifies whether the CAVS service should be invoked.



This property specifies the Connection factory to connect to the BRM JCA adapter for the first instance of the BRM in case of multiple BRM instances for the TXNService opcode.

See "Configuring Multiple BRM Instances for Communications Integrations" for more information about multiple BRM systems.


true/false. Default = false

This property specifies whether to route to CAVS Service.

Table 26-7 shows the properties for the SyncAccountSiebelReqABCSImpl service.

Table 26-7 SyncAccountSiebelReqABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Values Description


true/false. Default = false

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. This property is required for extensibility. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.


true/false. Default = false.

This property governs whether the ABCS Extension is enabled at the predefined plug-into point. If set to True, then the Extension process (defined in AIA ABCS Extension guidelines) is invoked. This property is required for extensibility. The name of the property indicates which extension point is enabled.



This property specifies the default target system ID to be populated in the enterprise business message (EBM) header in case the value is not coming from the requestor.



Endpoint URI of the SEBL_01 Siebel instance.


true/false. Default = false.

This property specifies whether the end point should route to CAVS.



This property specifies the end point URL for the CAVS service.






This property specifies whether the end point should route to CAVS.


true/false. Default = false.

This property specifies whether the end point should route to CAVS.


true/false. Default = false.

This property specifies whether the end point should route to CAVS.



This property specifies whether the end point should route to CAVS.


true/false. Default = true.

Customers must set this property to True. This is required to optimize the flow. By setting this property to True, the Siebel connector does not propagate create events onwards. The out-of-the-box (OOTB) solution supports creation of customers only as part of the order flow.

Setting this property to False, results in a less optimized flow, but OOTB behavior where customer creation occurs as part of the order flow remains the same.

See Oracle Application Integration Architecture Pre-Built Integrations Functional Interoperability Configuration Guide for more information.


true/false. Default = false.



true/false. Default = false.
