
Welcome to Oracle Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations Release 11.6.

What's New in this Guide

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Common Oracle AIA Pre-Built Integration Guides

Oracle Application Integration Architecture Pre-Built Integrations 11.6 includes the following guides shared by all products delivered with this release:

  • Oracle Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations Release 11.6.

    This guide provides an overview of the installation process, including how to install, configure, and deploy your pre-built integrations. The steps required to upgrade your pre-built integrations to the latest release are also provided.

  • Oracle Application Integration Architecture Pre-Built Integrations 11.1: Utilities Guide

    This guide describes:

    • How to work with and configure Session Pool Manager (SPM), which is a service in the Oracle SOA Suite web server whose primary function is to manage a pool of web server session tokens that can be reused by BPEL flows.

    • How to deploy and configure the AIA Composite Scheduler. This is a utility component that is used by pre-built integrations to schedule a service-oriented architecture (SOA) composite to be invoked at the specified time interval.

  • Oracle Application Integration Architecture Pre-Built Integrations 11.6: Product-to-Guide Index

    The Product-to-Guide index lists the guides that provide information for each product delivered in this release.


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Additional Resources

The following resources are also available: