5 Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Oracle Communications Design Studio

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Product Master Data Management (MDM) Integration Pack Option for Oracle Communications Design Studio, supported features, and assumptions and constraints, and specifically, describes the process flows, interfaces, and integration services required in this integration.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Overview

The new integration, Oracle Product Master Data Management (MDM) integration Pack Option for Oracle Communications for Design Studio enables users to query or import new or updated Item Catalog Categories (ICCs) and Transaction Attributes from Oracle Product Hub (OPH) into Oracle Communications Design Studio through Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA).

This new integration offers the following advantages to users that are using Product Hub as their Product Master:

  • Users can directly query or import the ICCs and Transaction Attributes into Oracle Communications for Design Studio instead of routing them through Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM).

  • Lowers total cost of ownership (TCO) for users who want to query or import the ICCs and Transaction Attributes directly from OPH into Design Studio.

The mapping between the OPH ICC and product specification in Design Studio enables communication service providers (CSPs) to achieve maximum reuse of a fulfillment process for products that share the same classification, for example, Broadband.


Oracle Rapid Offer and Order Delivery (RODOD) deployments that have OPH, Siebel and Design Studio, have an option of importing the product class definitions into the Design Studio directly from OPH by using Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Pack Option for Oracle Communications Design Studio or the existing Design Studio integration with Siebel CRM.

To understand the configuration differences between Siebel and OPH integration with Design Studio, see Section 5.5.3, "QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl".


The Product MDM: Design Studio integration option needs the Communications Order to Cash PIP for the requester that gets invoked from Design Studio.

5.2 Assumptions and Constraints

The assumptions and constraints in Design Studio integration option are:

  • The Design Studio queries the ICCs from OPH. Any updates that you make to the product specification in Design Studio are not synchronized back to OPH.

  • The Design Studio maintains the mapping between the OPH ICC and the product specification.

  • Only the ICC and the associated attributes are imported into the Design Studio.

  • The ICCs published to Design Studio must be published to Siebel CRM to support the existing Order fulfillment processes.

  • The product administrator is responsible for notifying the service-mapping specialist about the addition or modification of ICCs.

5.3 Oracle Communications Design Studio Setup

The Oracle Communications Design Studio is a graphical tool that provides an out-of-the-box (OOTB) integration to OPH and imports OPH ICCs for order fulfillment process. CSPs can define order fulfillment processes, tasks, order templates, dependencies and change management policies easily and accurately.

For more information about Design Studio, see Design Studio Documentation.

5.4 Oracle Product Hub Web Services

The AIA composites invoke the following web services:

  • ICC service

    This web service is used to query ICC definitions.

  • Value set service

    This web service is used to query value sets.

For more information about invoking these web services, see: Web Services for Publishing, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

5.5 Integration Services

The integration option uses the following integration services:

  • QueryClassificationListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl

  • QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl

5.5.1 QueryClassificationListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl

The QueryClassificationListPIMCommsABCSImpl is a synchronous BPEL process and is the PIM provider Application Business Connector Services (ABCS) implementation and performs ICC related queries. This service follows all of the standards of ABCS provider. This service has one operation: QueryClassificationList. This accepts a QueryClassificationListEBM as a request and returns QueryClassificationListResponseEBM as response.

5.5.2 QuerySpecificationValueSetListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl

The QuerySpecificationValueSetListPIMCommsABCSImpl is a synchronous BPEL process and is the PIM provider ABCS implementation and performs Valueset related queries. This service follows all of the standards of ABCS provider. This service has one operation: QuerySpecificationValueSetList. This accepts a QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM as a request and returns QuerySpecificationValueSetListResponseEBM as response.

5.5.3 QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl

The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl is a synchronous BPEL process and is the Design Studio requestor ABCS implementation and queries ICCs (or product classes in Siebel CRM) from OPH.

To retrieve product class data from the Product Master, users can either select Siebel or Product Hub as their edge application. In an out-of-the-box (OOTB) integration, AIA is configured to retrieve product class data from Siebel.

The process to query ICCs (or product classes in Siebel CRM) depends on the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file settings set by the users. For example, to retrieve ICCs from Product Hub, users must modify the settings in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file to set the Routing.EdgeApplications property of composite, QueryProductClassAndAttributesSCECommsReqABCSImpl to System ID of OPH (in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file, change <Property name="Routing.EdgeApplications">SEBL_01</Property> to <Property name="Routing.EdgeApplications">PIM_01</Property>) and update it to the MDS repository.

This service follows all the standards of a requester ABCS. This service has one operation: QueryProdClassAndAttributes. This accepts a QueryClassificationListEBM as a request and returns QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM as a response.

5.6 Understanding the Query Item Catalog Categories Business Flow

Product administrators define Item Catalog Categories (ICCs) and Transaction Attributes in OPH. The OPH administrator publishes the ICCs that sends a notification to the product-to-service mapping specialist. The product-to-service mapping specialist queries and imports the ICC and the associated Transaction Attributes to create or update a cartridge.

A cartridge in Design Studio is a jar (Java Archive) file that includes product specifications, orchestration of a product, ICC (or product classes in Siebel CRM) -to-product-specification mapping rules and so on that helps users meet their business needs and support OOTB features.

The product-to-service mapping specialist then maps the ICC to a product specification in the cartridge. The product-to-service mapping specialist uses the product specification to associate decomposition rules, fulfillment functions, and their dependencies. After all the design time setup is complete, the product-to-service mapping specialist deploys the cartridge to the Oracle Order and Service Management (OSM) environments. The cartridge defines various fulfillment topologies to process order lines during order processing.

The Figure 5-1illustrates the planned business process flow.

Figure 5-1 Business Process Flow

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-1 .

The product administrator performs the following operations in the OPH application:

  1. Creates a new or updates the existing valueset definition and generates a newer version of the valueset. A valueset is required for Order-time attribute that has a static list of values.

  2. Creates or updates an ICC definition by adding, deleting or updating the transaction attribute definition.

  3. Releases a newer version of the ICC.

  4. Updates the attribute definitions (value sets) by adding or removing values from them. The product administrator can update the attribute value set associated with the attribute definition in the OPH application. This action automatically updates all the ICC and their subclasses.

  5. The product administrator selects an ICC that is associated with the updated attribute definition and sends the notification.

    In Design Studio, the product administrator can notify the product-to-service mapping specialist in one of the following ways:

    • E-mail notification.

      The product administrator can send template based e-mail notifications through E-Business Suite (EBS) workflow, and can keep track of e-mail notification history.

      To receive an e-mail notification from Oracle Product Hub, you must define a subscription for the business event oracle.apps.ego.item.publishItemCatalogCategory. For more information about how to setup e-mail notifications, see knowledge base article, MOS Doc ID 1491286.1, "Design Studio integration with Product Hub" in My Oracle Support.


      Email notification provides better traceability than company's email.
    • Use a company's e-mail application

      The product administrator must manually create e-mails with correct information. This method is not dependent on a template and does not require additional configuration steps.

  6. The product-to-service mapping specialist opens the Design Studio and queries the ICC and the Transaction Attribute details from OPH into a cartridge. The import process uses the ICC name. The Design Studio also offers the flexibility to query all the classes in the hierarchy associated with a ICC.

  7. After the ICCs are successfully imported into a cartridge, all the Transaction Attributes and the associated value sets are stored in the Design Studio data dictionary. The ICC is mapped to a product specification in the cartridge.

    A new product specification can be created or an existing product specification is mapped to the ICC. After the mapping between the ICC and product specification is completed, the product to service mapping specialist will define and associate fulfillment functions and their dependencies to the product specification. After the validation and decomposition rules are defined, the cartridge is deployed into the OSM environments.

  8. The Design Studio provides a function that tests the design-time configuration after you submit a sample test order. If there are issues with the product specification in the cartridge, a new product specification is created or the ICC is imported again. If a new product specification is created, then the configuration must be performed again. The cartridge must be re-deployed for the changes to become effective. The deployed cartridge is used by the OSM to process order lines that are submitted for fulfillment.

5.7 Query Item Catalog Categories: Implementation

This section describes the implementation details of the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

The Figure 5-2 illustrates the ICCs query flow.

Figure 5-2 ICC Query Flow

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-2 .

The process to query ICCs (or product classes in Siebel CRM) depends on the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file settings set by the FMW server administrator. Based on these settings, the product-to-service mapping specialist performs one of the following:

  • Query or import new or updated product classes from Siebel CRM (or the equivalent ICCs in Product Hub) into Design Studio.

    For more information about how to query product classes in Siebel CRM, see chapter 6.2 Query Product Classes - Implementation Overview in the Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack Implementation Guide for Siebel CRM, Oracle Order and Service Management, and Oracle Billing and Revenue Management.

  • Query or import the ICCs and Transaction Attributes from OPH into Design Studio through Oracle AIA.

5.7.1 Query ICCs and Transaction Attributes

When the product-to-service mapping specialist opens Design Studio and imports the ICCs and Transaction Attributes from OPH into Design Studio, the following events occur:


The product-to-service mapping specialist must include all the necessary ICC Names in the query dialogue in Design Studio and invoke the query operation.
  1. The Design Studio Client calls the Query Product Class Application Business Connector Service (ABCS) and provides one or more ICC Names as input. To import product classes from PH, you must provide an AIA URL in Design Studio. The following example contains a sample AIA URL:

    Example 5-1 Sample AIA URL


    In Design Studio, when selecting the ICC Names, you also have the option to query all the parent classes for that ICC.

  2. The Query Product Class ABCS provides the Classification EBM (Enterprise Business Message).

  3. The Query Product Class ABCS routes the Classification EBM to PH Query ICC ABCS provider.

  4. The PH Query ICC ABCS transforms the Classification EBM, extracts the ICC name, and invokes the PH Get ICC Web Service.

  5. The PH Get ICC Web Service returns a list of ICC details for all input ICCs to the PH Query ICC ABCS.

  6. The PH Query ICC ABCS transforms the response message into the Classification EBM.

  7. The PH Query ICC ABCS routes the Classification EBM to the DS Query Product Class ABCS.

  8. The Query Product Class ABCS routes the request to the PH Query Valueset ABCS.

  9. The PH Query Valueset ABCS performs the transformation, filters the necessary fields, and constructs the ValuesetEBM.

  10. The PH Query Valueset ABCS routes the ValuesetEBM back to the DS Query Product Class ABCS.

  11. The Query Product Class ABCS composes the Classification EBM and the ValuesetEBM and returns it to the Design Studio Client application.

5.8 Query Item Catalog Categories: Integration Flow

This section describes the sequence of control flows that are required among the various intgeration services when querying ICCs and its attributes from OPH and publishing them into Design Studio.

The Figure 5-3 illustrates the ICCs integration flow.

Figure 5-3 ICC Integration Flow

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-3 .

When this process initiates, the following events occur:

  1. The Design Studio user (a product-to-service mapping specialist) triggers the Query ICC and attribute definitions integration flow using the Design Studio client, which provides the ICC Name and the Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMW) URL. In the case of an update, Design Studio also provides the ICC Names for all of the subclasses.

  2. The Design Studio invokes the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl with the QueryClassificationListEBM, which contains the ICC Names.

  3. QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl passes through the QueryClassificationListEBM to the QueryICCListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl.

  4. QueryICCListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl transforms the QueryClassificationListEBM into the IccQueryIn definition IO application business message (ABM).

  5. The ICC web service returns the complete ICC information and associated Attribute IDs for all input ICC Names. The QueryICCListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl transforms the OPH IccQueryOut into the QueryClassificationsList EBM.

  6. The QueryClassificationList EBM goes all the way back to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl.

  7. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl then invokes the QueryValueSetListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl with the QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM. The QueryValueSetListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl transforms the QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM into the OPH attribute definitions IO (ABM).

  8. The ICC service returns the complete attribute valueset information for one or more attribute IDs. The QueryValueSetListPIMCommsProvABCSImpl transforms the response into the QuerySpecificationValueSetListRespEBM.

  9. The QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM go all the way back to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl merges the QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM and the QueryClassificationList EBM and maps them to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM.

  10. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl replies to Design Studio along with the QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM, which contains the ICC and attribute details for all the ICC Names provided by the product to the service mapping specialist.

5.9 Support for Effectivity during Design-Time - Methodology

You can use the ICCs to represent unique product specifications. Product specifications represent a type of product offering and can only be sold through a product offering. Product specifications represent the unique entities that must be fulfilled. Not all product classes are created for this purpose. For the subset of product classes created to represent product specifications, at design time you must map the product class name and the corresponding fulfillment pattern name in Oracle OSM in its Central Order Management role. Consequently, changes to these product classes affects the mapping for both design time and run time order management handling. This section describes an important aspect of this mapping effectivity: how the time of a new mapping or a change to an existing mapping takes effect in coordination across Order Capture (OPH) and Central Order Management (Oracle OSM).

References to product classes in this section are limited to those used to represent product specifications. To distinguish these, it is recommended to use a naming convention, such as ending the name with the term ProdSpec. You can create and update product classes directly in Siebel or from a Product Master, such as Oracle Product Hub for Communications. In this section, whenever you see Siebel design time product class changes, it is also applicable to product master when one is used.

Specify the effectivity for the ICCs in OPH when:

  • You create a new ICC.

  • You update an existing ICC.

  • You make an existing ICC inactive.

Whenever these scenarios or any combination of these scenarios occur, you must query the ICCs in the Design Studio, which is the design time tool for Oracle OSM from the OPH application. After the ICCs are successfully queried, ICCs and the product specification are updated manually, and a following condition occurs:

  • The ICC is mapped to a new product specification. The new product specification definition involves defining the fulfillment metadata.

  • The ICC is mapped to an existing product specification.

  • The ICC mapping is changed to a different product specification.

ICC effectivity must be the same as the product specification effectivity. You update product specification effectivity manually in the Design Studio after the ICC is successfully queried and the product specification is mapped to it.

When the mapping between the ICC and product specification is updated (when the effectivity of the ICC and product specification changes), the cartridge version in SCE Studio must be updated and the cartridge must be redeployed to the environment.

For more information about updating the cartridge version and the various deployment options, see the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture.

5.9.1 Deciding on Effectivity and Cartridge Deployment

Whenever the previously mentioned scenarios or their combination occur, you must create a new version of the cartridge and redeploy it. All orders the Oracle OSM system has submitted for processing uses the existing cartridge version. Any subsequent new orders (including revision orders, follow-on orders, and change orders) or existing orders that are not yet submitted for processing by the Oracle OSM system uses the new version of the deployed cartridge. You should group ICC changes and set effectivity for a date-time that is suitable for deploying a new cartridge version, such as an off-peak hour.


You deploy a new version of the cartridge only if you introduced a new mapping or changed an existing mapping.

The support for effectivity on the ICC and the effectivity on the product specification is manifested in Oracle OSM by the effectivity of deployment of the cartridge. Effectivity is defined and controlled by the deployment dates for the cartridge. To manage effectivity across the applications, you must consider the following issues:

  • The effective dates on the ICC are the same as the deployment dates on the cartridge.

    In this case, the OPH administrator and the product-to-service mapping specialist in SCE Studio must reach a consensus on the effectivity dates of the ICC and the deployment dates of the cartridge, respectively.

  • The effective dates on the ICC differ from the deployment dates on the cartridge.

    In this case, the deployment dates on the cartridge control effectivity. You can handle effectivity as follows:

    • Create a new ICC or update an existing ICC. Import the ICC and define the mappings to the product specification in the cartridge. Deploy it based on when the changes must be applied to the order lines in the Oracle OSM fulfillment system.

    • Create a new ICC, the mappings to the product specification are not yet done in the cartridge. If the ICC is subsequently updated, OPH queries the updated version of the ICC and defines the mappings in the cartridge before deploying it. In this case, multiple versions of the ICC may be defined with different effective dates and queried before the mappings are defined and the cartridge is deployed. Again, the deployment is based on when the changes must be applied to the order lines in the Oracle OSM fulfillment system.


If you create a new product specification in the cartridge, you must configure the product specification before deploying the cartridge.