Installation Process Overview

The process for installing VASA Provider depends upon the operating system. The process is the same for Linux and Solaris, but the process is different for Microsoft Windows.

The installation process is defined in the following list:

  1. On the OTN, open the Oracle Flash Storage and Pillar Axiom Downloads page (‑storage/san‑storage/downloads/index.html) in a web browser.

  2. Depending on your operating system, continue the installation using one of the following steps:
    • For Linux or Solaris, install the package. After the installation is complete, you must change the default password for the VASA Provider administrator account. You must also add an Oracle FS System to be monitored by the VASA Provider.
    • For Windows, install and configure the VASA Provider. The process includes setting a password for the VASA Provider administrator account and adding an Oracle FS System to be monitored.