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Oracle® Server X5-2 제품 정보 릴리스 1.7

인쇄 보기 종료

업데이트 날짜: 2016년 10월

Oracle Solaris 부트 시 USB 엔드포인트에 대해 심각하지 않은 결함이 발생합니다

버그 ID 16268647


Oracle Server X5-2에서 Oracle Solaris 운영체제를 부트할 때 콘솔에 fault.io.usb.espe가 발생한 것으로 표시될 수 있습니다. 서버 결함 LED 표시기도 켜집니다. 하지만 시스템은 부트되고 정상적으로 작동합니다.

다음은 /var/adm/messages에도 기록되는 이 문제에 대한 콘솔 메시지 예입니다.

Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test fmd: [ID 377184 daemon.error] SUNW-MSG-ID: USB-8000-4U,
TYPE: Fault, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Major
Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test EVENT-TIME: Wed Sep 10 11:36:43 EDT 2014
Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test PLATFORM: ORACLE-SERVER-X5-2, CSN: 1418NM7019, HOSTNAME: x5-2-test
Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test SOURCE: eft, REV: 1.16
Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test EVENT-ID: 64910990-98ff-427a-a495-da47f4c6afce  
Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test DESC: An end point stall was detected in the USB device and the corresponding 
driver may not be able to recover from the errors automatically.
Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test AUTO-RESPONSE: Device may have been disabled or may not be fully functional.
Sep 10 11:36:43 x5-2-test IMPACT: Loss of services provided by the device instances associated with this 

다음은 해당하는 fmadm faulty 로그 # fmadm faulty입니다.

Sep 10 11:36:43 64910990-98ff-427a-a495-da47f4c6afce USB-8000-4U Major
Problem Status: solved
Diag Engine: eft / 1.16
Manufacturer: Oracle-Corporation 
Part_Number: X5-2-P1.0-20
Serial_Number: 1418NM7019
Host_ID: 008928db
Suspect 1 of 1: 
Fault class: fault.io.usb.eps 
Certainty: 100% 
Affects: dev:////pci@0,0/pci108e,4853@1d/hub@1/communications@8 
Status: faulted but still in service
FRU Name: "hc://:chassis-mfg=Oracle-Corporation:chassis-name=ORACLE-SERVER-X5-2:chassis-part=
Manufacturer: unknown
Name: unknown 
Part_Number: a4a2-0430
Revision: unknown 
Serial_Number: unknown
Chassis Manufacturer: Oracle-Corporation
Part_Number: unknown 
Serial_Number: 1418NM7019 
Status: faulty
Description : An end point stall was detected in the USB device and the corresponding driver 
may not be able to recover from the errors automatically.
Response: Device may have been disabled or may not be fully functional. 
Impact: Loss of services provided by the device instances associated with this fault.
Action: Use 'fmadm faulty' to provide a more detailed view of this event. Please refer to the 
associated reference document at http://support.oracle.com/msg/USB-8000-4U for the latest 
service procedures and policies regarding this diagnosis.

해결된 소프트웨어:

  • Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU4.4 및 11.3