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Oracle® SuperCluster Systems Zones on Application Domains

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Updated: June 2020

Verify Remaining Configuration Tool Installation

  1. Log in to the first Application Domain to contain zones.
  2. Change directories to the /opt/oracle.supercluster directory:
    # cd /opt/oracle.supercluster
  3. Verify that the necessary tools and scripts are available in the bin and zonetools subdirectories.
    • To verify the tools and scripts are in the bin subdirectory, type:

      # ls bin

      You should see the following tools and scripts:

      • applyconfig_ssc.sh

      • dcli

      • gen_cellaffinity_ssc.sh

      • ib_set_node_desc_ssc.sh

      • iscsi-lun.sh

      • iscsi-zpool.sh

      • oidcli

      • setup_ssh_eq.sh

      • zonemanifest.sh

    • To verify that the tools and scripts are in the zonetools subdirectory, type:

      # ls zonetools

      Verify that you have the ssc_exavm script in the zonetools directory.

  4. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for all other Application Domains to contain zones.