Siebel Clinical Trial Management System Guide > ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector >

Configuring Security for the ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector

The connector is a Java Standard Edition (SE) application that uses the Java 1.7 JRE on the server where it is installed. Install the connector on the middle-tier application server for Siebel Clinical in the User Home/connector directory.

The ASI SOAP (Application Service Interface Simple Object Application Protocol) Web services in Siebel Clinical and the ClearTrial Web services API are secured services that need credentials. You must configure the connector with the credentials for both Siebel Clinical and ClearTrial Track.

The procedure in this topic assumes that you installed the connector on the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system on the middle-tier application server for Siebel Clinical.

To configure security for the ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector

  1. Execute the following at the command prompt:

    cd %HOMEPATH%
    cd connector
    java -jar cleartrial-ctms-managecreds.jar

    NOTE:  If you installed the connector on a UNIX operating system, then replace the cd %HOMEPATH% command with cd ~.

    This java command displays the following command line interface for the Credential Management Subsystem of the connector:

    Create Credential Store [1]
    Manage Credentials    [2]
    Internet Proxy          [3]
    Quit     [4]
    Enter choice :

  2. Select option 1 if you are configuring the connector credentials on this server for the first time.

    After the command has executed, the screen displays the following:

    Created Credential Store...

  3. Select option 2 to manage credentials.

    After the command has executed, the screen displays the following:

    Target system
    CTMS   [1]
    ClearTrial [2]
    Go Back   [3]
    Enter choice :

  4. Select option 1 to enter the credentials for Siebel Clinical.

    After the command has executed, the screen displays the following:

    User Name : sadmin
    Password :
    Credential for map siebelCtms and key credentials is:

    Target system
    CTMS   [1]
    ClearTrial [2]
    Go Back   [3]
    Enter choice :

    For security reasons, the password does not appear on the screen.

    The user whose credentials are configured for Siebel Clinical must be authorized to access all the protocols and sites that are configured for the integration.

  5. Select option 2 to configure the credentials for ClearTrial Track.

    After the command has executed, the screen displays the following:

    Customer Code : XYZ
    User Name : jdoe
    Password :
    Credential for map cleartrial and key customerCode is:
    Credential for map cleartrial and key credentials is:

    Target system
    CTMS   [1]
    ClearTrial [2]
    Go Back   [3]
    Enter choice :

    The credentials must be of a user in ClearTrial who has the Can Access WS- API role. Also, the Customer Code must be for the customer who purchased the ClearTrial Web services API license.

    If the credentials are changed after this initial configuration, then you must reconfigure the security for the connector. In this case, do not use the Create Credential Store option because this option deletes all credentials, and you must configure the credentials again for both Siebel Clinical and ClearTrial Track.

Configuring a Proxy Server for the ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector

Complete the procedure in this topic only if the connector is configured with an internet proxy server.

To configure a proxy server for the ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector

  1. Execute the following at the command prompt:

    cd %HOMEPATH%
    cd connector
    java -jar cleartrial-ctms-managecreds.jar

    NOTE:  If you installed the connector on a UNIX operating system, then replace the cd %HOMEPATH% command with cd ~.

    This java command displays the following command line interface for the Credential Management Subsystem of the connector:

    Create Credential Store [1]
    Manage Credentials    [2]
    Internet Proxy          [3]
    Quit     [4]
    Enter choice :

  2. Select option 3 to configure the proxy server credentials.

    After the command has executed, the screen displays the following:

    Proxy User Name : jsmith
    Proxy Password :

  3. Enter the user name and password used to access the proxy server.
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