A - B - C - D - E - F - G - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


account assessment templates, creating   1


assessing   1

associating clinical protocols with   1

associating clinical regions with   1

associating sites with   1

associating with clinical projects   1

associating with contracts   1

creating and updating   1

creating for clinical trials   1

maintaining   1

action items, viewing universal inbox notifications for   1


creating for clinical projects   1

creating for document tracking   1

defining for subject visits   1

integrating data for subject visits with data for   1 ,  2

activity completion, about integrating data for   1 ,  2

activity plans, creating for sites   1

activity templates

applying to sites   1

creating for clinical projects   1

address types, adding for sites   1

administrative setup tasks, for Siebel Clinical   1

applet properties, in Siebel Clinical   1

Assigned To fields, about adding users to MVG for   1

assignment objects, predefined   1

audit trail

using for changes to clinical trip reports   1

using for changes to subject status   1

using for reviews and approvals of clinical trip reports   1

automated notification messages, for clinical trip reports   1

automated validation messages, for clinical trip reports   1

Back to top


batch mode, administering subject visits in   1

budgeting applications, importing plan data from   1

business components, user properties for in Siebel Clinical   1

business services, user properties for in Siebel Clinical   1

Back to top


case report forms

about exporting data for   1

creating tracking activities for   1

tracking   1 ,  2

viewing for partial source data verification   1

ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector

about   1

about logging for   1

configuring   1

configuring a proxy server for   1

configuring security for   1

sample configuration files for   1

supported integration points for   1

ClearTrial integration

activating workflows for   1

completing prerequisites for   1

configuring date and time format for   1

configuring protocol integration fields for   1

configuring Web services for   1

process of setting up   1

ClearTrial Track, importing data from Siebel Clinical to   1

clinical data capture and query management system integration

activating workflows for   1

configuring Web services for   1

overview of   1

process of setting up   1

setting up LS Clinical Integration workflow monitor agent for   1

clinical data management system integration

about customizing Web services for   1

activating workflows for   1

configuring Java Message Service parameters for   1

configuring JVM Subsystem for   1

configuring Siebel Tools for   1

configuring Web services for   1

creating directory structure on Siebel Server for   1

creating JNDI properties file for   1

creating Oracle WebLogic full client JAR for   1

overview of   1

process of setting up   1

setting up LS Clinical Integration workflow monitor agent for   1

clinical operations integration

about customizing Web services for   1

configuring system preferences for   1

overview of   1

clinical payments

about setting up and making for subject activities   1

generating Oracle BI Publisher reports for   1

scenario for   1

clinical payments integration

about customizing Web services for   1

activating workflows for   1

configuring inbound Web services for   1

configuring Java Message Service parameters for   1

configuring Siebel Tools for   1

overview of   1

process of setting up   1

clinical programs, creating   1

clinical projects

about managing   1

associating people and accounts with   1

creating   1

creating activities and tasks for   1

creating activity templates for   1

managing risk for   1

monitoring costs for   1

process of managing   1

scenario for managing   1

setting up employee profiles for   1

clinical protocol site templates, creating   1

clinical protocols

associating with accounts   1

creating and revising versions for   1

integrating with Oracle clinical studies


setting up   1

setting up partial source data verification for   1

viewing enabled for synchronization   1

viewing status accruals for clinical subjects of   1

clinical regions

associating with accounts   1

setting up   1

setting up partial source data verification for   1

viewing status accruals for clinical subjects of   1

clinical subjects

about exporting data for   1

about integrating data for   1

applying protocol amendments to   1

applying revised subject visit templates to   1

creating records for   1

enrolling   1

monitoring status accruals for by visit type   1

randomizing   1

recalculating requiring source data verification   1

rescheduling   1

rescreening   1

scheduling   1

screening   1

setting up partial source data verification for   1

terminating clinical trials early for   1

tracking status accruals for   1

viewing status accruals for   1 ,  2

clinical templates, about exporting data for   1

clinical trials

about setting up   1

creating accounts and contacts for   1

creating sites for   1

process of managing   1

scenario for   1

terminating early for clinical subjects   1

clinical trip report templates

applying   1

creating   1

clinical trip reports

about administering and using   1

about customizing Web services for mobile integration of   1

about exporting and importing data for   1

approving   1

automated validation and notification messages for   1

completing   1

completing questionnaires for   1

creating questions for using Siebel SmartScript   1

deleting   1

deleting unanswered questions form questionnaires of   1

overview of mobile integration for   1

process of setting up mobile integration for   1

scenario for managing   1

setting up mobile integration for   1

tracking completion status for   1

using audit trail for changes to   1

using audit trail for reviews and approvals of   1

viewing   1

viewing geographical location details for   1

viewing geographical location details for site visits in   1

viewing universal inbox notifications for action items of   1

workflows for mobile integration of   1

completion status, tracking for clinical trip reports   1

contact assessment templates, creating   1

contact assignments, in Siebel Clinical   1

Contact Denormalization mode, in Siebel Life Sciences   1


about exporting data for   1

about managing for clinical trials   1

assessing   1

creating and updating   1

creating for clinical trials   1

maintaining   1

process of managing for clinical trials   1

scenario for managing for clinical trials   1


associating accounts with   1

associating with sites   1

correspondence activities, creating for sites   1

Back to top


date format, configuring for ClearTrial integration   1

document tracking

creating activities for   1

generating Oracle BI Publisher reports for   1

documents, tracking and adding at sites   1

domain value maps, populating   1

DTE data maps

exporting from server database to XML file   1

importing to local client from XML file   1

Back to top


employee profiles, setting up for clinical projects   1

Back to top


field properties, in Siebel Clinical   1

final payments, generating for sites   1

Back to top


geographical location details

about exporting for sites   1

viewing for clinical trip reports   1

viewing for site visits in clinical trip reports   1

Back to top


inbound Web Services, configuring for clinical payments integration   1

investigators, about integrating data for   1

Back to top


Java Message Service parameters

configuring for clinical data management system integration   1

configuring for clinical payments integration   1

JDM Subsystem, configuring for clinical data management system integration   1

JNDI properties file, creating for clinical data management system integration   1

Back to top


left-hand navigation, setting up   1

lists of values, about exporting data for   1

local client, exporting workflow processes to   1

LS Clinical Get Site Snapshot Service workflow   1

LS Clinical Integration workflow monitor agent

setting up for clinical data capture and query management system integration   1

setting up for clinical data management system integration   1

LS Clinical Protocol Site Get Sites workflow   1

Back to top


mobile integration

activating workflows for   1

completing integration prerequisites for   1

configuring Web services for   1

customizing Web services for   1

overview of   1

process of setting up for clinical trip reports   1

setting up for clinical trip reports   1

workflows for   1

mobile Web clients, setting up for position rollup   1

My Team's filter, about   1

Back to top


notes, adding to sites   1

Back to top


Oracle BI Publisher reports

generating for clinical payments   1

generating for document tracking   1

generating for site enrollment status   1

generating for site visits   1

Oracle clinical studies, integrating with Siebel clinical protocols   1

Oracle Clinical, integration entities for   1

Oracle InForml integration, configuring protocol integration fields for   1

Oracle WebLogic full client JAR, creating for clinical data management system integration   1

Back to top


partial source data verification

about   1

about for protocol amendments   1

setting up for clinical protocols   1

setting up for clinical regions   1

setting up for clinical subjects   1

setting up for sites   1

setting up for subject visit templates   1

viewing case report forms for   1

payees, splitting payment activities between multiple   1

payment activities

creating for sites   1

generating payment records for unplanned   1

reversing splits for   1

splitting between multiple payees   1

payment amounts, adjusting and generating payment records for sites   1

payment exceptions, setting up for sites   1

payment records

creating for sites   1

generating for sites   1

generating for unplanned payment activities   1

reverting   1

payment requests

sending to third-party payments application   1

viewing feedback for   1

withdrawing   1

payment splits, copying details for   1

people, associating with clinical projects   1

plan data, importing from budgeting applications   1

position rollup, setting up for mobile Web clients   1

position types, setting up for billing   1

processed payments, verifying   1

Projects screen, about views in   1

protocol amendments

about partial source data verification for   1

applying to sites and clinical subjects   1

rules for applying   1

protocol integration fields

configuring for ClearTrial integration   1

configuring for Oracle InForm integration   1

Back to top


rate lists, setting up for billing   1

Back to top


Siebel Assignment Manager, using in Siebel Clinical   1

Siebel Clinical

about setting up   1

activating workflow policies for   1

administrative setup tasks for   1

configuring properties for in Siebel Tools   1

configuring Web services for   1

contact assignments in   1

enabling or disabling Siebel Open UI for   1

enabling Siebel Server component groups for   1

integration entities for   1

setting up for integration with third-party payments application   1

using Siebel Assignment Manager in   1

Siebel Clinical Trial Management System

about   1

features of   1

product modules and options for   1

Siebel Open UI, enabling or disabling for Siebel Clinical   1

Siebel Server component groups

enabling for Siebel Clinical   1

enabling for site visit data integration   1

Siebel Server, creating directory structure for   1

Siebel SmartScript, creating questions for clinical trip reports using   1

Siebel Tools

configuring for clinical data management system integration   1

configuring for clinical payments integration   1

configuring properties for Siebel Clinical in   1

site enrollment status, generating Oracle BI Publisher reports for   1

site teams, assigning employees to   1

site visit data integration

about customizing Web services for   1

activating workflows for   1

configuring Web services for   1

enabling Siebel Server component groups for   1

overview of   1

process of setting up   1

site visits

about exporting data for   1

creating and managing   1

generating Oracle BI Publisher reports for   1

viewing geographical location details for   1


about exporting data for   1 ,  2 ,  3

about managing for clinical trials   1

about synchronizing   1

activating synchronization of data for   1

adding address types for   1

adding notes to   1

adjusting payment amounts and generating payment records for   1

applying activity templates to   1

applying protocol amendments to   1

applying revised subject visit templates to   1

associating contracts with   1

associating with accounts   1

creating activity plans for   1

creating and updating   1

creating correspondence activities for   1

creating for clinical trials   1

creating payment activities for   1

creating payment records for   1

generating final payments for   1

process of managing for clinical trials   1

scenario for managing for clinical trials   1

setting up partial source data verification for   1

setting up payment exceptions for   1

tracking and adding documents at   1

tracking status accruals for clinical subjects of   1

viewing status accruals for clinical subjects of   1

SmartScript metadata, about exporting for clinical trip reports   1

snapshot data, about exporting for site enrollments   1

source data verification, recalculating clinical subjects requiring   1

standard payment amounts, setting up in subject visit templates   1

state transition data, about exporting for clinical trip reports   1

status accruals

monitoring for clinical subjects by visit type   1

tracking for clinical subjects of sites   1

viewing for clinical subjects of clinical protocols   1

viewing for clinical subjects of clinical regions   1

viewing for clinical subjects of sites   1

subject activities

about setting up and making clinical payments for   1

marking as completed   1

subject enrollment

about rolling up information for   1

monitoring rates for   1

subject status

about automatic tracking of   1

overriding initial   1

using audit trail for changes to   1

subject visit templates

about   1

applying to clinical subjects   1

applying to sites   1

approving   1

creating   1

defining versions for   1

process of defining   1

setting up partial source data verification for   1

setting up standard payment amounts in   1

subject visits

about exporting data for   1

administering in batch mode   1

creating unscheduled   1

defining   1

defining activities for   1

defining planned   1

generating reports for actual   1

generating reports for planned and actual dates of   1

integrating data with data for activities   1 ,  2

rules for deleting when deemed non-applicable by early termination   1

system preferences

configuring for clinical operations integration   1

in Siebel Clinical   1

Back to top


tasks, creating for clinical projects   1

team assignment history, tracking and revising   1

template data, about exporting for clinical trip reports   1

third-party payments application

sending payment requests to   1

setting up Siebel Clinical for integration with   1

time format, configuring for ClearTrial integration   1

tracking activities, creating for case report forms   1

Back to top


universal inbox notifications, viewing for action items of clinical trip reports   1

user properties

for business components in Siebel Clinical   1

for business services in Siebel Clinical   1

overview of for Siebel Clinical   1


about adding to MVG for Assigned To fields   1

about exporting data for Siebel Clinical   1

Back to top



creating and revising for clinical protocols   1

defining for subject visit templates   1

visit type, monitoring status accruals for clinical subjects by   1

Back to top


Web services

about customizing for clinical data management system integration   1

about customizing for clinical operations integration   1

about customizing for clinical payments integration   1

about customizing for mobile integration of clinical trip reports   1

about customizing for site visit data integration   1

configuring for ClearTrial integration   1

configuring for clinical data capture and query management system integration   1

configuring for clinical data management system integration   1

configuring for mobile integration   1

configuring for Siebel Clinical   1

configuring for site visit data integration   1

in Siebel Clinical   1

workflow policies, activating for Siebel Clinical   1

workflow processes, exporting to local client   1


activating for ClearTrial integration   1

activating for clinical data capture and query management system integration   1

activating for clinical data management system integration   1

activating for clinical payments integration   1

activating for mobile integration   1

activating for site visit data integration   1

for mobile integration of clinical trip reports   1

in Siebel Clinical   1

Back to top


XML file

exporting DTE data maps from server database to   1

importing DTE data maps from local client to   1

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Siebel Clinical Trial Management System Guide Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.