Siebel Clinical Trial Management System Guide > ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector >

Sample Configuration Files for the ClearTrial Clinical Trial Management System Connector

The connector configuration process requires the following files:


    This file contains mappings between the Protocol ID in Siebel Clinical and the ClearTrial Baseline Plan ID in ClearTrial Track. You can create any number of mappings in this file. In each execution, the connector imports the actual data for all the Protocol IDs in this file into ClearTrial Track.

    The ClearTrial Baseline Plan ID is the ID of the plan that you select as the baseline plan for a study. The baseline plan is the modeled plan with acceptable milestones and a budget.

    Table 19 shows an example of the mapping in this file.

    Table 19. Example of the Mapping in the File
    Siebel Clinical
    ClearTrial Track






    This file contains connection and communication parameters for the integration between Siebel Clinical and ClearTrial Track.

    Table 20 describes the parameters that must be defined in this file.

    Table 20.  Parameters for application.propertie Files

    The proxy address that the server for the connector requires to access the internet.

    For a proxy server, this parameter is required.


    The port on which the proxy listens.

    The default port is 80. For a proxy server, this parameter is required.


    The fully qualified domain name of the middle-tier application server for Siebel Clinical.

    This parameter is required. You must specify this parameter even if the connector is installed and executed on the same server as Siebel Clinical.


    The port on which the middle-tier application server for Siebel Clinical listens for the ASI SOAP (Application Service Interface Simple Object Application Protocol) Web services calls.

    The default port is 80. You must specify this parameter only if the Siebel Clinical listens on a different port.


    A value that determines if the Siebel Clinical server is running in secure (https) or non secure mode (http). The default value is http.


    A value that determines the locale of the Siebel Clinical instance. The default value is eai_enu.


    The timeout (in milliseconds) after which the connector declares a connection failure to the middle-tier application server for Siebel Clinical.

    The default value is 60 seconds or 60,000 milliseconds. You can use this parameter if the network is slow. This parameter is not required.

    The timeout (in milliseconds) after which the connector declares a read failure for the request to the middle-tier application server for Siebel Clinical.

    The default value is 60 seconds or 60,000 milliseconds. You can use this parameter if the network is slow. This parameter is not required.

    The number of pages requested from Siebel Clinical in each request to the ASI SOAP Web services.

    The default value is 10. You can use this parameter if large data sets (SOAP XML content) are extracted in each request, which can lead to broken pipe type errors. This parameter is not required.


    The timeout (in milliseconds) after which the connector declares a connection failure to the ClearTrial Web services API.

    The default value is 60 seconds or 60,000 milliseconds. You can use this parameter if the network is slow. This parameter is not required.

    The timeout (in milliseconds) after which the connector declares a read failure for a request to the ClearTrial Web services API.

    By default, the value is 60 seconds or 60,000 milliseconds. You can use this parameter if the network is slow. This parameter is not required.


    This file provides mappings between the region names in Siebel Clinical and location names in ClearTrial Track. In ClearTrial Track, the location names are fixed. In Siebel Clinical, a few region names are provided at installation. However, you can create custom region names.

    The file must contain the region-to-location mapping for every unique region across all protocols with data imported into ClearTrial Track.

    For example, Protocol 1 has region names of Switzerland, Swiss, BELGIUM, and US of A. Protocol 2 has region names of USA, Belgium, and Switzerland. The corresponding location names in ClearTrial Track are Switzerland, Belgium, and USA. In this example, the file must contain the following information:

    US\ of\ A=USA

    In this information, the left value is the region name in Siebel Clinical and the right value is the location name in the ClearTrial Track. Region and location names are case sensitive. If the region name contains spaces, then you must prefix the spaces with a backward slash (\). For example, if the region name is US of A, then it must appear as US\ of\ A.

    You do not have to configure the connector to recognize the following mappings:



    This file matches the status customization in Siebel Clinical. For example, the default status for the site initiation event is Initiated. However, you can customize this status to Approved. Both of the statuses can exist for the integrated protocols.

    In the this example, the file has the following content:


    The logic for the status of the initiation event also applies to the status of the subject enrollment.

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