Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Business Components, Links, and Business Objects > Configuring a Business Component Field >

Creating a Business Component Field That Displays More Than One Currency

You can configure a field to display data in more than one currency. For example, assume a global deployment occurs in the United States and in Japan, where the deployment in the United States requires data to display in dollars and the deployment in Japan requires data to display in yens.

You cannot configure a Forecast business component to display dual currency because the list columns that display monetary values do not reference fields. The list columns display values that reference buttons that use specialized methods to perform the calculation. For more information, see Caution About Using Specialized Classes.

To create a business component field to display more than one currency

  1. In Siebel Tools, in the Object Explorer, click Business Component.
  2. In the Business Components list, locate the Opportunity business component.
  3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Business Component tree, and then click Field.
  4. In the Fields list, create a new field using values from the following table.










    PickList Currency

    Siebel Tools stores the field in an unused column in the S_OPTY_X extension table.

  5. In the Object Explorer, expand the Field tree, and then click Pick Map.
  6. In the Pick Maps list, create a new pick map using values from the following table.



    Pick List Field

    Currency Code

  7. In the Object Explorer, click Field, and then add a field to the Opportunity business component for the converted revenue using values from the following table.





    Calculated Value


    Currency Code Field


    The Currency Code Field property references the currency code field of Step 4.

    Exchange Date Field

    Sales Stage Date



    CAUTION:  Make sure the Exchange Date Field property on the originating currency field is defined in a way that is similar to the converted currency field. If it is not, then Siebel CRM bases the exchange date that it uses to convert the currency on the exchange date of the originating currency field.

    For more information, see Requirements for the Field That Contains the Converted Currency Amount.

  8. In the Object Explorer, click Applet.
  9. In the Applets list, locate the Opportunity List Applet.
  10. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, expand the List tree, and then click List Column.
  11. In the List Columns list, add a list column using values from the following table.



    Display Name

    Converted Currency Code

  12. In the List Columns list, add a list column using values from the following table.



    Display Name

    Converted Revenue



    It is not necessary to create a pick or detail applet because Siebel CRM opens the default applet that matches the field type.

  13. Compile the Oppty and Oppty (SSE) projects.

    For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

  14. Make sure the underlying currency business component contains a minimum number of valid values:
    1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the Currencies view.

      This view lists currencies, conversion dates, and exchange rates.

    2. Make sure each currency that is involved in the conversion is marked as active.
    3. Make sure at least one exchange rate is defined for each currency that is involved in the conversion.
    4. Make sure at least one of the exchange rates for an exchange direction includes a date that occurs at or before the date that Siebel CRM uses as the Exchange Date.
  15. Test your modifications.

Requirements for the Field That Contains the Converted Currency Amount

The field in the business component that contains the converted currency amount must meet the following requirements:

  • The Type property of the field must equal DTYPE_CURRENCY.
  • The field must be a calculated field.
  • The Type property of the field that the Calculated Value property references must equal DTYPE_CURRENCY. For example, if the expression in the Calculated Value property is [Revenue], then the Type property of the Revenue field must equal DTYPE_CURRENCY.
  • The Exchange Date Field property must reference a field that contains a Type property that is DTYPE_DATETIME.
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