Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Special-Purpose Applets > Configuring a Chart Applet >

Configuring Lists in Chart Applets

A chart applet typically provides one or more lists that allow the user to determine how Siebel CRM displays or uses data.

Figure 61 includes these lists.

Figure 61.  Lists in a Chart Applet
Explanation of Callouts

The following types of lists are available:

  1. Show list. Allows the user to modify data that Siebel CRM displays on the Y-axis. For more information, see Configuring the By List of a Chart Applet.
  2. By list. Allows the user to modify data that Siebel CRM displays on the X-axis. For information, see Configuring the By List of a Chart Applet.

    Second By list. Allows the user to choose the source field that provides data for the Z-axis. For more information, see Configuring the Second By List of a Chart Applet.

  3. Type list. The most common of the four lists. Siebel CRM displays it in most chart applets and allows the user to choose a different type of chart for the same data, such as a pie chart instead of a bar chart, or a two-dimensional line chart instead of a three-dimensional chart. For more information, see Types of Charts.

    You can use a comma separated list of chart type names in the Picklist Types property of the chart object definition to define options for the type list. For example:


    Siebel CRM does not allow spaces between the elements in the comma separated list.

    The default type is the chart type that Siebel CRM displays the first time it displays the chart. This default is defined in the Type property. A chart that does not include a type list uses the Type property to define the chart type. The user cannot modify a chart that does not include a type list.

Required Properties of the Lists

Each list in a chart applet requires a corresponding ComboBox control that is a child object of the chart applet. Table 46 describes the required properties for each type of list.

Table 46. Types of Lists and Their Required Property Values
Type of List
Control Name Property
MethodInvoked Property










Second By



Configuring the Show List of a Chart Applet

The show list allows the user to modify data that Siebel CRM displays on the Y-axis. It displays a list of field and function combinations that determine the values that Siebel CRM plots along the Y-axis. The title of the Y-axis mirrors the label of the show list.

To configure the show list of a chart applet

  1. In Siebel Tools, display the Chart object type and all child objects of the Chart object type. A chart is a child of an applet.

    For more information, see Displaying Object Types You Use to Configure Siebel CRM.

  2. In the Object Explorer, click Applet.
  3. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must modify.
  4. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then click Chart.
  5. In the Charts list, locate the chart you must modify.
  6. Define chart properties using values from the following table.

    Data Point Field

    Enter a comma separated list of source fields:

    • Enter one field for each entry that Siebel CRM displays in the show list.
    • The default value is the first entry in the list.
    • If you only enter one field name, then this entry applies to all functions in the list.

    Data Function

    Enter a comma separated list that includes the following values: SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, or PLOT.

    PLOT configures Siebel CRM to get Y values from the values in the source field.

    The order of items in this list determines the association with a data point field and title, which is the list function. If the Data Function property contains fewer elements than the list of names that the Picklist Functions property defines, then Siebel CRM substitutes the values in the Data Function property with the following values:


    Picklist Functions

    Enter a comma separated list of Y-axis titles, which is the text that Siebel CRM displays in the list. The order of values in the Picklist Functions property determines the association with a data point field and data function.

Example of a Show List That Is Defined Explicitly

You can define a show list with an explicit format that displays the following choices:

  • Number of Opportunities
  • Opportunity Revenue
  • Opportunity Expected Revenue

Table 47 describes the properties and their values that are required to implement this example.

Table 47. Properties of the Show List for the Sales Method Bar Chart

Picklist Functions

Number of Opportunities, Opportunity Revenue, Opportunity Expected Revenue

Data Function


Data Point Field

Name,Revenue,Expected Revenue

In this example, the values in each comma separated list creates the following relationships between the properties:

  • Number of Opportunities performs a Count function on the Name field.
  • Opportunity Revenue performs a Sum function on the Revenue field.
  • Opportunity Expected Revenue performs a Sum function on the Expected Revenue field.
Example of a Show List That Is Defined Implicitly

It is recommended that you explicitly define the show list. Siebel CRM retains the ability to implicitly define the Show list for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Siebel CRM. It is more restrictive.

The Lead Source Analysis chart in the Opportunity New Business Analysis view in Siebel Sales (Oppty Chart Applet - New Business) is an example of a Show list that Siebel CRM defines with an implicit format and function list. This list displays the following choices:

  • Number of Opportunities
  • Opportunity Revenue
  • Average Opportunity Revenue.

Table 48 describes the properties and their values that are required to implement this example.

Table 48. Properties of the Show List for the Lead Source Analysis Chart

Picklist Functions

Number of Opportunities,Opportunity Revenue, Avg Opportunity Revenue

Data Function


Data Point Field


The value of Revenue in the Data Point Field property applies to all entries in the list.

In this example, the values in each comma separated list creates the following relationships between the properties:

  • Number of Opportunities performs a Count function on the Revenue field.
  • Opportunity Revenue performs a Sum function on the Revenue field.
  • Avg Opportunity Revenue performs an Average function.

The value of the Count in the Data Function property is not required. It can be empty.

If the number of entries in the Data Function property is not the same as the number of entries in the Picklist Functions property, then Siebel CRM supplies the following predefined list in the Data Function property:

  • Count,Sum,Average,Plot

Configuring the By List of a Chart Applet

The by list allows the user to modify data on the X-axis:

  • In a period chart, Siebel CRM enters data into the by list with different date periods. The user can choose from a list of possible X-axis date periods for calendar data. This calendar data includes day, week, month, quarter, and year. You can define these options in the Picklist Periods property of the chart object.
  • If you define a list of source fields rather than a single source field, then the list allows the user to choose the source field that provides data for the X-axis.
  • The user can invert the X-axis and the Z-axis. The user can view the data from a source field in a business component that displays along the X-axis or Z-axis according to the selection the user makes in the list.

To configure the by list of a chart applet

  • Define the Category Field property of the chart object.
Calendar Increments in the List and the X-Axis

If the Category Field property contains the name of a single field that is a DTYPE_DATE data type, then the X-axis displays calendar increments and the chart is a period chart. In this situation, Siebel CRM enters data into the list with calendar increment options, including user defined periods, such as Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year. You can administer these increments in the Periods view of the Administration - Data screen.

For example, in the New Business Analysis chart the category field is Created, which is the date that Siebel CRM created the opportunity record. The increment that the user chooses in the by list determines the date increments that the category axis contains.

Text labels in the X-Axis and Category and Series Field Names in the List

If the Category Field property contains the name of a single text field from the business component, and if a series field is defined in the Series Field property, then the by list includes the names of the category field and the series field. The user can choose either field to update the X-axis with labels from the contents of that field. The unchosen field provides labels for the legend box. The legend box is the Z-axis. The default value is the category field and Siebel CRM initially displays it on the X-axis.

For example, the chart in the Service Request Product Analysis view in the Siebel Service application includes a Product category field and a Severity series field. When Siebel CRM initially displays the chart, the X-axis labels are product names and the legend labels are severity levels. Siebel CRM displays the Product and Severity field names in the by list. The severity allows the user to display severity levels in the X-axis and product names in the legend.

Text Labels in the X-Axis and Multiple Field Names in the List

If the Category Field property contains a comma separated list of field names, then Siebel CRM displays this list in the by list. The user chooses the field that provides data for the X-axis. The default value is the first value in the list. You must not include an empty space before or after a field name in the list.

Numeric Values in the X-Axis and No List

If the Category Field property contains the name of a single numeric field, then the X-axis includes numeric increments, similar to the process of creating increments for the Y-axis. In this situation, Siebel CRM does not display the by list.

For example, the Probability Cluster Analysis chart in the Opportunity Probability Cluster Analysis view includes the Rep% category field, which is the probability of a sale. In this chart, Siebel CRM plots probability against the X-axis, the X-axis increments are percentages from 0% to 100%, and Siebel CRM displays no by list.

Configuring the Second By List of a Chart Applet

You can configure the second by list.

To configure the second by list of a chart applet

  • Define the Series Field property of the chart object.

The following values in the Series Field property in the chart object determines the behavior of the second by list:

  • If the Series Field property is empty, then Siebel CRM maps all records into a single series.
  • If the Series Field property contains the name of a field from a business component, then Siebel CRM includes labels on the Z-axis that it gets from the contents of that field.
  • If the Series Field property contains a comma separated list of field names, then Siebel CRM displays this list of fields in the second by list. The user chooses the field that provides data for the Z-axis. The default value is the first value in the comma separated list.
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