Configuring Siebel Business Applications > About Siebel Web Templates and Siebel Tags > About Siebel Tags >

About Search and Find Tags

The Siebel client merges search, find, and query in a unified search model. This configuration provides users with multiple ways to locate records. You can configure a template to display search and query features from an application menu and query features from an applet menu. You can use Siebel tags to display the Search and Find applet, and the Results applet.

Search and Find Applet Tags

You can use the following search and find tags to configure how Siebel CRM displays basic search, advanced search, or find in an applet:

  • swe:srchCategoryList
  • swe:srchCategory
  • swe:srchCategoryText
  • swe:srchCategoryControl
Example Code for Search and Find Applet Tags

The following code is an example of using search and find applet tags:







Search Result Applet Tags

You can use the following search results tags to display search and find results in a list applet:

  • swe:srchResultFieldList
  • swe:srchResultField
  • swe:this

Siebel CRM displays search results tags in the Search_ListBodySearchResults.swt template.

Example Code for Search Result Applet Tags

The following code includes an example that uses search result applet tags:


<swe:srchResultField><td align="swe:this.TextAlignment" class="Row"><swe:this property="FormattedHtml"/>&nbsp;</td>



Summary of Search, Find, and Search Result Tags

Table 31 describes search, find, and search result tags.

Table 31. Summary of Search, Find, and Search Result Tags
Tag Name


Search tag that is an iterator that encloses all the search categories that Siebel CRM must display. It creates context and encloses the following tags:

  • swe:srchCategory
  • swe:srchCategoryText
  • swe:srchCategoryControl

It uses the following format:

<swe:srchCategoryList> ... </swe:srchCategoryList>


Search tag that represents a search category object. It encloses the following tags:

  • swe:srchCategoryText
  • swe:srchCategoryControl

It uses the following format:

<swe:srchCategory> ... </swe:srchCategory>


Search tag that displays the control of the search category. It is a check box in advanced search. It must be called in the context of a srchCategory tag.

It uses the following format:



Search tag that displays the display name of the search category. It must be called in the context of the srchCategory tag.

It uses the following format:



Search result tag that is an iterator. It encloses all the search result fields that the search engine object contains. Siebel CRM creates result fields dynamically in the business component, and then displays them in the applet.

This tag creates a context and encloses the following tags:

  • swe:srchResultField
  • swe:this

It uses the following format:

<swe:srchResultFieldList> ... </swe:srchResultFieldList>


Search result tag that represents a result field object. Siebel CRM must call it in the context of the srchResultFieldList tag. It encloses the swe:this tag.

It uses the following format:

<swe:srchResultField> ... </swe:srchResultField>


A search result tag. Depending on the value of the property attribute, it does one of the following:

  • Property is TextAlignment. Gets the text alignment property for the result field from the following object:

    Search Definition - Custom result Field

  • Property is FormattedHtml. Gets the value for the current result field from the results that Siebel CRM gets when it runs the search on the search adapter.

It uses the following format:


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