Configuring Siebel Open UI > Post-Upgrade Configuration Tasks > About Mobile-Specific Renderers Dependent on jQuery Mobile APIs >

Modifying Third-party Dependencies

This topic considers the use of 3rd-party jQuery Mobile specific plug-ins in customized renderers. In mobile-specific customizations prior to Siebel Innovation Pack 2013, external plug-ins may have been used that work on top of the jQuery Mobile library.

All deprecated 3rd-party plug-ins must be identified and replaced with equivalent plug-ins in jQuery and jQuery-UI. jQuery-UI includes many widgets for both touch and non-touch devices, and is capable of satisfying most requirements to replace your 3rd-party plug-ins. In cases, where you cannot find equivalents, other 3rd-party plug-ins based on jQuery may need to be sourced for providing the expected functionality.

The most likely candidates of plug-ins related to jQuery Mobile are listed below:

  • Scrolling / Swiping
  • Device Detection
  • Menus and Navigation
  • Calendar / Date / Time pickers
  • Maps and Images

This list is not exhaustive and your customization may be using other external or self-written plug-ins that are based on the jQuery Mobile library.

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