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Aggregating Siebel ARM Data with the Siebel ARM Query Tool

This topic is part of Analyzing Siebel ARM Files Using the Siebel ARM Query Tool. It describes the aggregation options available to you when you use the Siebel ARM Query Tool. Aggregation is the grouping of Siebel ARM records that share common attributes and the computing of statistics on the group.

Multiple -aggregate options can be specified, which are interpreted as subaggregations.

The Siebel ARM Query Tool can compute the total, maximum, minimum, average, and the count of contributing records for the following items:

  • Inclusive Response Time
  • Exclusive Response Time (self time)
  • Inclusive CPU Time
  • Exclusive CPU Time
  • Inclusive Memory Usage
  • Exclusive Memory Usage

NOTE:  Aggregation is computed on Siebel ARM records retrieved by the selection filters.

All the options listed in Table 21 are preceded by the option -aggregate.

Table 21. Siebel ARM Query Tool Flags for Aggregation


Siebel ARM records that have the same value for area are grouped together.


Siebel ARM records that have the same value for subarea are grouped together. Note that it is usually more common to also group by area when grouping by subarea, or filter on area, as with the following examples:

> sarmquery -aggregate area -aggregate subarea

> sarmquery -select area=DBC -aggregate subarea


Siebel ARM records that have the same value of instance metadata are grouped together.

Instance metadata typically contains names of things such as scripts, workflows and views. This means that the value for the instance metadata depends on the area and subarea. As a result, aggregate instance must either be preceded by an aggregation of area and subarea or a filter on area and subarea, as with the following example:

> sarmquery -aggregate area -aggregate instance

> sarmquery -select area=script -aggregate instance

server component host procid

Aggregates Siebel ARM records that have the same value for:

  • Server
  • Component
  • Host
  • Procid


Aggregates Siebel ARM records that have the same value for user name. User name is case sensitive.


Aggregates Siebel ARM records that have the same value for session ID.

TIP:   This flag can useful when used in conjunction with the flag for user, as in the following examples:

> sarmquery -aggregate user -aggregate sessionid

> sarmquery -select user=andy -aggregate sessionid


Aggregates Siebel ARM records that have the same value for clickid.

Typically in an interactive component, a user has multiple sessions and a session can have multiple requests. Sometimes a single user action on the client (browser) can result in multiple requests. In such cases, each of those requests is associated with the same unique ID known as the clickid.

This ID is generated and associated with requests even if a user action results in a single request.

TIP:   Use this flag in conjunction with user and sessionid, as in the following examples.

> sarmquery -aggregate user -aggregate sessionid -aggregate clickid

> sarmquery -select user=andy -aggregate sessionid -aggregate clickid


Aggregates Siebel ARM records by their timestamps over the interval specified by interval, where interval is a value in minutes.

For example, if you specify 5, then Siebel ARM records with timestamps of 12:00 to 12:05 form one aggregation, those with timestamps of 12:05 to 12:10 form another aggregation, and so on.

The following example command displays a report to the command window that shows the average response time of the application server over intervals of 15 minutes:

> sarmquery -select source=app -select subarea=infra_entry -aggregate time=15

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